Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - March 2016

Spell a Thon a great success

Washington students did a fantastic job on the Spell a
Thon, raising over $11,000.  Thanks to generous donations
from parents and the community, every child who
donated pledges received a prize at our assembly.  Students
who wrote 100% of their words correctly loved
their special certificates. Many thanks to the students
and families, and especially our dedicated Parent Club
members, for the support.  99 students brought in
$50.00 or more in pledges, qualifying for our special activity
event in March.   Room 2, Mrs. Ribeiro’s class, brought in the most pledge money and Room 3, Mrs. Goodbar, had the highest
number of students participating.  Those classes will
receive a popcorn/movie.  All funds go to field trips and
special student supplies.  

STAR Behavior Continues

If you have been on campus lately, you will have seen our
new signs and posters all over campus to remind students of
our STAR matrix:  
--Stay Safe
--Take Responsibility
--Act Respectfully
--Ready to Learn

We have been working to make it fun with our new
mascot “Georgie,” who goes to classrooms who perform
good deeds, for example, outstanding cafeteria behavior.
Students receive STAR bucks for good behavior that they
can trade in for small prizes.  Keep up the great work!

The Book Fair is coming!

The Book Fair will be February 29th through March 4th. Monday and Tuesday will be "Make a wish list" for students. The class will
come in and students may browse and write a wish list with the name of book and cost to show parents. Tuesday night will be Parent’s Night, so the library will be open from 4:00 - 7:00
pm. Wednesday and Thursday are “Buy Days” for classes to come in and buy books. Friday will be a last chance day to buy books.
All proceeds go to buy books and materials for our school library. Thank you for your support!

Washington Elementary March 2016
Dates to Remember

Feb 29-March 4-Book Fair
March 1-Parent Night Book Fair 4-7 p.m.
March 1-Wear School Shirt Day
March 2-Dr. Seuss Day/Dress Wacky Day
March 3-Wear Green Day
March 4-Wear PJ’s Day
March 11-Report cards
March 14-18 Teacher request week
March 14-18 KCAPs Canned Food drive
March 14-SSC/ELAC meeting 2:30
March 16-Zoo- 1,2,14,15,16
March 17-Zoo-3,4,5,6 
March 21-28-Spring Break - NO SCHOOL