Monday, August 31, 2015

Central Valley Home School Newsletter - September 2015

Education. Connected
Making a Difference...

Upcoming Events

9/2     On-site academic classes begin
9/7     Labor Day—no school
9/16   Enrichment Begins
9/24   Cat Haven Field Trip, 10 A.M.
9/30   Picture Day, 11—1:30

9/30   Champions for Today Assembly, 1 P.M.
10/5   See’s Candy Fundraiser Sales Begin
10/12-23    Benchmarks
10/15         Fresno Fair Field Trip
10/27   California Theater Company presents Peter Rabbit and Friends Field Trip

Spotlight on Gini Muradian

Mrs. Muradian is starting her 14th year at CVHS, where every day is a great day! Her family includes her husband, Paul, and 3 daughters, ages 27, 24, and 21. She comes from a family of 10 children - there were 5 boys and 5 girls.  Raised in the small town of Tres Pinos, Calif. (population 500),  she graduated from Hollister High School and UC Davis.  Her hobbies include gardening and reading.  Mrs. Muradian stated, “It wouldn't be a summer vacation without an annual trip to Lake Tahoe.”

Champions for Today Assembly 
Tanya Crevier
CVHS Campus
Wednesday 9/30/15 @ 1 P.M.

Tanya Crevier has traveled ALL over the WORLD performing exciting and unbelievable skills with basketballs and sharing an ENTHUSIASTIC message of HOPE and INSPIRATION to this generation! She will discuss topics associated with anti-bullying, character development, goal setting and more.   We are so excited to host her visit to our campus.  

We will find a way for ALL students to learn!

Reagan Elementary Newsletter - September 2015

Ronald W. Reagan Elementary

On Thursday, August 27, we had our first turn in day for our magazine sales fundraiser and we brought in over $5,000 in total sales.  This was a great first turn in day!  We still have 3 more turn in days: Tuesday, September 1, Thursday, September 3, and Tuesday, September 8.

After Great American takes a percentage of our sales, the money left is used to assist transportation costs as well as entrance fees for field trips and reward activities for all of our students.  

The goal for each of our students is to sell at least 6 magazines.  Please help us in raising money for our school.


Reagan Elementary will continue to offer after-school sports this year.  For the Fall season, Reagan will have Flag Football and Volleyball.  The Fall after school sports will only be available for our 5th and 6th graders. 

After School Intervention

Beginning Tuesday, September 8, we will begin an 8 week after school program for students who are looking to improve on their math skills.  Permission slips have gone out to all of our students already.

Friendly Reminders:
- Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education will continue to be collected this year, so please save any you have and send them to school.

We will continue to sell shirts and hats (limited quantities) in our office all day.

On Wednesday, September 9 at 6 p.m. Gottschalks Band Rental will be at Reagan.  Mr. Awbrey and Mrs. Sigle have been working hard helping our students get accustomed to the new year.  On Tuesday, September 15, the Reagan and Rafer band members are invited to the 2nd annual ice cream social with KHS band members at Memorial Park beginning at 6 p.m.

Mr. Merritt is our brand new Choir Director this school year.  He has many great ideas that he will bring to Reagan and we are excited to have him.

September 2015 - Upcoming Dates

·   September 1—Magazine Sales Turn in Day 2
·   September 1—PTA Meeting          6 p.m.—Library
·   September 1—Online Registration assistance 6 p.m.—Library
·   September 2—Picture Day
·   September 3—Magazine Sales Turn in Day 3
·   September 4—Back to School Rally
·   September 7—Labor Day              No School
·   September 8—Last Turn in for Magazine Sales
·   September 9—Gottschalks          Music Rental Night
·   September 11—Extended Recess/Ice Cream—Magazine Sales Incentive (tentative)
·   September 15—Band Social with KHS at Memorial Park 6pm
·   September 16—Flex Days Begin
·   September 30—Champions for Today Assembly

"We will find a way for ALL students to learn!"

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - September 2015

Washington Elementary School

Cookie Dough Time

Sept. 9th will start our cookie dough fundraiser. Information will be sent home the week of Sept. 8th. The money raised is used for field trips, assemblies and other educational projects for students. If you, your friends, or family do not want cookie dough, they can still make a charitable contribution. Checks must be made payable to Washington School ASB. We appreciate everyone’s help in this effort.

New Staff at Washington

We are proud to announce new staff members to the Washington Elementary family. 

Jennifer DuPras, Principal

Paula Gehrett, Academic Coach

Jessica Lee, Kindergarten teacher

Melissa Smith, Kindergarten Teacher 

Alyssa Helm, Kindergarten Teacher 

Jennifer Alvarez, Kindergarten Paraprofessional 

Tiffanie Pope, Cook

Christy Gayton, Preschool Teacher

Mollie Lindsey, Preschool Paraprofessional

Dates to Remember

Picture Day-Sept 3
Labor Day-No School-Sept 7
Goodies with Grandparents-Sept 11
Character Counts Assembly-Sept 18
Cookie Dough Fundraiser-Sept 9-23

“We will find a way for ALL students to learn!”

Lincoln Elementary School Newsletter - September 2015

Lincoln Elementary School

Fundraising Opportunities

Thank you for your generosity over the years with our school fundraising efforts!  The money raised during these events helps pay for school supplies, field trips, technology, trophies, and other items.  Lincoln’s annual Jog-a-thon will take place on Friday, October 30th.  As some of you know, I enjoy running, and I can’t think of a better fundraiser than one that helps promote a healthy lifestyle.  More information coming soon!  I can’t wait!!!

This year we will also continue our Box Tops and S.H.A.R.E.S. Card programs. Throughout the year we participate in the General Mills Box Tops for Education Program. Box tops are worth at least ten cents each and sometimes more.  If you purchase items with the Box Tops logo, please cut them out and send them to Lincoln.  

We will also continue the S.H.A.R.E.S. program, which is a card you use at any Save Mart store, as well as at Food Maxx.  If you, a friend, neighbor, or relative would like a card, please let us know and we will provide one for you.  

2nd Grade Spotlight – Ms. Warkentin's Class

The year is off to a phenomenal start in room 15! The first couple of weeks in school we have started a unit on grapes. During this unit students are going to learn about the order and sequence in which grapes grow on the vine and how they then get to our kitchen table. The students enjoyed weighing and graphing the weight of the grapes the first day. In the coming weeks we are going to be learning about consumers and producers. This will take us on an exciting trip to our local grocery store where students will get to experience first-hand how food enters the store and gets put onto the shelves. The students are looking forward to the rest of the year and all of the fun activities!

3rd Grade Spotlight – Mrs. Matic’s Class

The students in Room 1 are jumping for joy to be back in school at Lincoln. They are so excited to be in Mrs. Matic’s 3rd grade class, and are anxious to “soar” as eagles do. It’s only been a week, but they have shown what true champions they are by already completing assessments on Place Value and Main Idea/Details with almost 100% of the students passing with outstanding scores. Way to go Lincoln Eagles, and WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!

Upcoming Events

¨    September 7th Labor Day –  NO SCHOOL
¨    September 8th Parent Club Meeting at 8:30 AM in Room 14
¨    September 16th – First Flex Day – School dismissed at 1:30 PM
¨    September 25th Photo Retakes

Our mission is simple, “We will find a way for ALL students to learn!”