Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Welcome to New Governing Board Members

Welcome to New Governing Board Members

Welcome to the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District's new Governing Board members, Russell Osato, and Karyll Smith Quinn.  Dr. Sever administered the oath of office during the December 8, 2014 Board meeting.  


Friday, December 5, 2014

The Turkey Trot - Reagan Elementary School

The Turkey Trot

On Wednesday, November 19 and Thursday, November 20 (makeups) our Mustangs took part in the “Reagan Turkey Trot."  Students ran, jogged, skipped, and/or walked around a 300-yard track for 30 minutes.  Students and our parent volunteers had a great time as even some of our Reagan teachers ran with our students for extra motivation.  This next week we will have turn-in days on Monday, December 1, Wednesday, December 3, Thursday, December 4, and Friday, December 5.  Students who turn in their pledge money on any of these days are eligible to win extra prizes.  We would like to thank all of our parent volunteers and teachers for their hard work as this even could not have occurred without all of your help.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Retired Board Members

Retired Board Members

At the November 18, 2014, Board meeting, Wesley Sever recognized Larry Lungren for 32 years of service on the Governing Board, and Frank Warren, Jr., for 12 years of service on the Governing Board.  He thanked them for their commitment to students, staff, and to the community of Kingsburg.  Wes remarked that it has been a pleasure serving with them. 

Rev. Ezaki said Frank Warren, Jr., and Larry Lungren have set an example of service to our kids and to the entire community.  They never want the spotlight.  They are awesome role models to our students. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Central Valley Home School - December 2014

See's Candy Fundraiser

Another successful fundraiser for CVHS is in the books.  Thank you for all your support.  Our sales earned a profit of $2308 for the ASB.  CVHS will use these funds directly for students.  Common purchases from ASB funds include snacks for enrichment, materials and supplies for craft day, assemblies, parties, ajd school spirit gear.  Each of the participating students did a fantastic job. Connor Graham, a 5th grade student, was the top seller with over $900 in candy sold.  He chose a bike for his prize.  What is amazing about his choice is that the bike is not for him. Connor donated the bike to the Salvation Army tree so it could benefit others.  Good job, Connor!

December Events

December 5 - See's Candy Arrives

December 6 - Santa Lucia Celebration/Parade

December 18, 19 - Minimum Days

December 19 - Breakfast before break, craft day

Lincoln Elementary School - December 2014

Students Participate on the Santa Lucia Float

Students and parents are excited about our float, "Christmas in Paradise," which will be in the Santa Lucia festival on December 6.  Our students will wear grass skirts or Hawaiian shirts and sing "Mele Kalikimaka," the Hawaiian holiday song.  Come out and see the parade, starting at 5:30.

The Robin Peterson Library

The library was recently renamed the Robin Peterson Library after the former principal who was a dynamic presence in our schools, even after his retirement.  His great-granddaughter, Brennan, a Lincoln student, accepted a plaque to be placed in the library, along with Robin Peterson's photo, at the November assembly.

Keep Reading!

Lincoln students who met their AR goals for the first tri-mester were rewarded with a movie assembly.  At the end of the year, Lincoln has a reward for the "Million Word Readers," those students who have read a million or more words throughout the school year.  Lincoln has had as many as twelve students and as little as one a year, so it is quite a challenge!  Here are the top ten readers so far this year.  How many Million Word Readers will Lincoln have this year?

Camille Zavala, Lucille Nowland, Paige Wedehase, Rachelle Ureno, Ilianna Rosales, Addison Murguia, Nicolas Soto, Boston Robinson, Tobin Moshier, and Alexis Summers.

Reagan Elementary School - December 2014

Our Fall Sports Season of Flag Football and Volleyball concluded on Friday, November 21.   On Friday, November 7 we sent the team coached by Mrs. Raven and Mr. Pickrell to the S.E.A.L. (Selma Elementary Athletic League) tournament and our student athletes won all of their matches to bring a Championship to Reagan. 

On a cold Friday morning, Coach East and members of his Flag Football team traveled to Selma to participate in the S.E.A.L. Flag Football tournament.  His group played hard all day and brought home a 3rd place trophy.  Great job to all of our Volleyball and Flag Football teams as they represented Reagan in the best possible way, exhibiting great sportsmanship and effort in all of their games.  A big thank you to all of our parents and coaches for helping our students understand the importance of playing as a team.


Ronald W. Reagan Elementary

December 2014

Upcoming Dates:

·   Dec 1—Turkey Trot turn-in    Day 1
·   Dec 2—After School Intervention begins
·   Dec 3—Turkey Trot turn-in   Day 2
·   Dec 4—Turkey Trot turn-in   Day 3
·   Dec 4—SOM Luncheon
·   Dec 4—Band Concert M/Th 1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 5—Turkey Trot turn-in    Day 4
·   Dec 5—Band Concert T/Fr        1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 6—Santa Lucia Parade
·   Dec 8—12—Santa’s Shop at Reagan all week
·   Dec 8—Choir Concert M/Th   1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 9—Choir Concert T/Fr     1:30 p.m. /2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 11-12—PR Reward to Selma Cinema
·   Dec 12—Turkey Trot Prize Assembly
·   Dec 18-19—Minimum Days
·   Dec 22-Jan 2—Winter Break

The Turkey Trot

On Wednesday, November 19 and Thursday, November 20 (makeups) our Mustangs took part in the “Reagan Turkey Trot”.  Students ran, jogged, skipped, and/or walked around a 300 yard track for 30 minutes.  Students and our parent volunteers had a great time as even some of our Reagan teachers ran with our students for extra motivation.  This next week we will have turn-in days on Monday, December 1, Wednesday, December 3, Thursday, December 4, and Friday, December 5.  Students who turn in their pledge money on any of these days are eligible to win extra prizes.  We would like to thank all of our parent volunteers and teachers for their hard work as this even could not have occurred without all of your help. 

Santa’s Shop is HereOn December 8-12, Santa’s Shop will be here at Reagan.  This is a great way for our students to shop for family members and friends.  

Santa Lucia Parade

On Saturday, December 6, Reagan will participate in the Santa Lucia Parade.  Come on out and support our school during this wonderful event.  If you do attend, please consider buying a ticket for the Eat for East fundraiser for former Reagan teacher Heidi East.  For ticket information, please contact Mrs. Jennings at Central Valley Home School.

Washington Elementary School - December 2014

Happy Holidays! The Washington Staff wish you and your families a wonderful Holiday season.  We will be on minimum day schedule December 18 &19 (8:15 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.).  The 2014 Winter Break is December 22, 2014, to January 2, 2015.  School will resume on January 5, 2015. 

Santa & Mrs. Claus will visit our school on December 19.  Island Photography will take pictures of each student with Santa.  This is Polar Express Day; students may wear pajamas to school.

The Christmas with Dignity program, sponsored by KCAPS, began November 3.  A gift donation box has been placed in each classroom and toy or canned food donations can be made until December 5.  KCAPS is collecting new unwrapped toys for children between the ages of 5-13.  

Christmas Programs:

Please come and enjoy the student’s Christmas performances which will be held in the cafeteria, as follows:

December 9, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Mrs. Knott’s class
     Mrs. Lee’s class
     Mrs. Moore’s class

December 11, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Mrs. Ribeiro’s class
     Mrs. Spitzer’s class
     Mrs. Donabedian’s class

December 12, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Miss Loyd’s class
     Mrs. Regier’s class
     Mrs. Bergstrom’s class
     Mrs. Goodbar’s class

December 11, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
     Washington Preschool

December 15, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
     VDA State Preschool

A Note from Wes

Last month, a principal shared this article with me from the Washington Post last month.  Like her, I thought this was a great reminder of what we do, especially this time of year when times and people around us can be stressful.

Here is the link to the article:


Roosevelt Elementary School - November & December 2014

A Note from Mrs. Willson

The past few weeks have been busy for our Roughrider families!! Thank you to all families for your attendance at Parent/Teacher conferences, Grandparents Day and Danish with Dad.  All of these activities were a huge success and a great deal of fun for all who were able to join us!

On behalf of the Roosevelt Staff, I would like to recognize the Roosevelt Parent Club for their hard work and effort in making sure our activities have gone off without a hitch.  From donation organization to arriving early for Danish with Dad, we appreciate the Parent Club's efforts and look forward to working together on future events that support our Roughrider student body!! 

Veterans Day

One tradition at Roosevelt is to honor our Veterans.  On Friday, November 7th at 1:00 p.m., we will be honoring our men and women, who have served, and who are serving in our armed forces.  We are inviting all Veterans and service personnel 

to join us for our program and refreshments.

Dates to Remember:
11/6                Site Council Meeting (2:30 pm)
11/7                Veteran’s Day Assembly (1:00 pm)
11/ 10-11        No School – Local Holiday & Veterans Day
11/14              End of First Trimester
11/1                See’s candy flyers home
11/21             Report cards home
11/24-28         No School – Thanksgiving Week
12/1                See’s Candy money/orders due
12/2-3             Santa’s Secret Shop
12/15(week of) See’s candy pick-up
12/ 16-19        Winter Programs
12/18, 19        Minimum Days
12/22-1/2        Winter Break

Character Trait of the Month~
Kupa (derived from the Hawaiian for “citizen”) is the BEAR who considers herself a citizen of the world. A philosopher and poet, she believes that we are all part of the same family and must do our share to help each other.