Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Roosevelt Elementary School - November & December 2014

A Note from Mrs. Willson

The past few weeks have been busy for our Roughrider families!! Thank you to all families for your attendance at Parent/Teacher conferences, Grandparents Day and Danish with Dad.  All of these activities were a huge success and a great deal of fun for all who were able to join us!

On behalf of the Roosevelt Staff, I would like to recognize the Roosevelt Parent Club for their hard work and effort in making sure our activities have gone off without a hitch.  From donation organization to arriving early for Danish with Dad, we appreciate the Parent Club's efforts and look forward to working together on future events that support our Roughrider student body!! 

Veterans Day

One tradition at Roosevelt is to honor our Veterans.  On Friday, November 7th at 1:00 p.m., we will be honoring our men and women, who have served, and who are serving in our armed forces.  We are inviting all Veterans and service personnel 

to join us for our program and refreshments.

Dates to Remember:
11/6                Site Council Meeting (2:30 pm)
11/7                Veteran’s Day Assembly (1:00 pm)
11/ 10-11        No School – Local Holiday & Veterans Day
11/14              End of First Trimester
11/1                See’s candy flyers home
11/21             Report cards home
11/24-28         No School – Thanksgiving Week
12/1                See’s Candy money/orders due
12/2-3             Santa’s Secret Shop
12/15(week of) See’s candy pick-up
12/ 16-19        Winter Programs
12/18, 19        Minimum Days
12/22-1/2        Winter Break

Character Trait of the Month~
Kupa (derived from the Hawaiian for “citizen”) is the BEAR who considers herself a citizen of the world. A philosopher and poet, she believes that we are all part of the same family and must do our share to help each other.