Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reagan Elementary School Newsletter - March 2016

Reagan Force Run

On Wednesday, February 24, all students at Ronald W. Reagan Elementary participated in the Reagan Force Run Jog-A-Thon fundraiser event.  The weather was perfect and all the students had a great time as they ran, skipped, and/or walked around our tracks.  We would like to thank all the parents, grandparents, guardians, and friends who joined us as it enhanced our event.  We very much appreciated all of our parent volunteers who assisted with counting laps for our classrooms.  Monies raised will assist with end of the year activities.  Thank you for all of your support. 

Basketball Tournaments

On Friday, February 5, the boys and girls basketball teams traveled to Selma to compete in the Selma Elementary Athletic League (SEAL) tournament.  Both teams advanced to the championship game with tough, gritty play.  The girls’ team came up just a bit short as they lost in the finals to Jackson Elementary; however, the boys’ team defeated Roosevelt Elementary in the finals to win 1st place in the tournament.  We are so very proud of both teams for their accomplishments and we would like to thank our coaches: Coach Snyder, Coach Lane, Coach Schmal, and Coach Vargas for all their work with our students and instilling them with lifelong lessons that will go beyond the basketball court. The boys’ team will now compete in the Kingsburg Rotary Tournament beginning on Thursday, March 3 at 3:00 p.m. at KHS.  Please consider coming out and enjoying a few games.

Destination Imagination 

We would like to congratulate all of our students who participated in the San Joaquin Valley Regional Tournament for Destination Imagination this past weekend.  The 4th and 5th grade GATE students worked extremely hard on their respective challenges for the past few months.  We would like to thank all of our parent volunteers who donated their time to assist our students in this important event.  Groups who advanced will now participate in the state tournament to be held in Riverside, CA on April 2.  Great job to all of our students. 

History Day                    

Students from Mrs. Zapata’s 5th grade class will be participating in National History Day at Fresno Pacific University on March 12.  These students have been working on their 2D boards for months and are eagerly awaiting their showing.  On March 8, the students will present their boards to family and friends in the Reagan Library at 6:00 p.m.  Good luck to our Mustangs!

March 2016
Upcoming Dates

·   Mar 3—Turn in day 3 Force Run
·   Mar 4—End of 2nd Trimester
·   Mar 7—Parent viewing Life Films (5th girls/6th grade)
·   Mar 8—Spring Pictures
·   Mar 8—Kids’ Day
·   Mar 8—11—PR Reward Trips Bowling
·   Mar 11—Peach Blossom
·   Mar 11—Parent Surveys Due
·   Mar 11—Report Cards go home
·   Mar 15—SSC/ELAC Meeting
·   Mar 15—6th grade visits Rafer
·   Mar 17—5th grade girls Life film
·   Mar 18—Life films 6th grade
·   Mar 18—Pastries with Parents presale
·   Mar 21—28—Spring Break—No School
·   Mar. 29—Pastries with Parents presale