Friday, March 28, 2014

Washington Elementary School - April 2014

Spring Into Learning

Farm Day

On April 10, Washington teachers and students will have a day on the farm at the Washington campus.  Teachers have coordinated with community volunteers who will bring their animals to the Washington campus.  There are expected to be various animals, including sheep, goats, chickens, and a horse.  Seeing the animals up close will give students the enrichment opportunity to experience the animals live.  Students will be using their experience from Farm Day to write about what they have learned.

Amtrak Field Trip

Students will be enjoying a ride on the Amtrak Train in May.  The Train will depart from Fresno and arrive in Hanford.  Students will enjoy a nice picnic after their train ride.

Muffins with Mom

On May 2 the Parent Club will be hosting their annual Muffins with Mom event.  The fundraiser event gives Moms and any member of the family a chance to spend some special time with their child before school as they enjoy a pastry and beverage.  Island Photography will be present from 7-8 a.m. to take photos.


Throughout the end of April and the beginning of May, students will be enjoying learning about a bugs life cycle.  Washington has purchased live butterfly and caterpillar larvae that will grow right before the students' eyes.  The butterflies and ladybugs will likely complete their transformation by open house!