Monday, March 10, 2014

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School - March 2014

Kid’s Day– Rafer Gives Back

Kid’s Day was on Tuesday, March 4th.  This year we had a group of 14 students and parents that participated.  We were at Rafer by 5:30 am!  We were given two corners near our school.  We sold 160 papers from 6:00 am-9:00 am.  Newspapers were $1 each.  When we counted the money we expected to have collected $160.  We were surprised to find out that we collected $961!!!!!  Thank you to the generous parents and community members that gave to Children’s Hospital.  This was an amazing experience and we will do it again.  The coordinator for Kingsburg Mrs. Bethel came by Rafer on Wednesday to let us know that Rafer raised the most amount in Kingsburg!!

Valentines Day at Rafer!

Our Leadership students did something special for the students and staff on Valentine’s Day.  They prepared for two weeks.  They wrote every student and staff name on a heart. They then wrote a special message on the back of each heart.  They arrived at 6:30am on Valentine’s Day and hung them up all around the school.  Students were excited to search for their heart and find it.  Thank you Leadership Class!!

March Important dates:

March 21st– Rachel’s Challenge
March 28th– KHS  8th Registration
March 28th– 3rd Q report cards go home
March 31st– 6th graders come to Rafer for a visitation day