Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lincoln Elementary School - March 2014

The Jog-a-thon was a great success! Once again, Kingsburg’s students, parents, and the school staff pulled together to accomplish a great fundraiser that also promotes physical fitness for our students.  The proceeds from this fundraiser pay for field trip admissions and transportation, assemblies, playground equipment, extra educational materials, and trophies.  The staff wishes to thank you for your support in this great event!  There will be some photos of the kids jogging on our website if you were unable to come cheer your child on.   I will have the grand total to announce in next month’s newsletter.

Speaking of fundraisers, our second Box Tops for Education submission was sent in this month, and we will receive $630.  That brings our total for the year to over $1510!  Thank you for all the time cutting them out and sending them in-please continue to do so for our next submission.

Dates to Remember

March 7-Report Cards
March 13-Peachblossom at Fresno State 3rd grade
March 14-Jog a thon Assembly
March 19-Water Balloon toss
March 20-Parent Club Meeting-8:30 room 23
March 26-Poetry and Prose-2nd grade
March 28th-Spring Photos