Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lincoln Elementary School - Welcome Back!

Character Counts! Education will start at Lincoln Elementary!
          Lincoln Elementary won the Bonner Character Education recognition several years ago, and we are now increasing our efforts to improve our character education program.  Each month, the students will be exposed to lessons, activities, and/or literature that promote one of the Character Counts Six Pillars of Character-Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.  Every month each class will have a Student of the Month, and a different trait will be recognized-September is trustworthiness.  Also, students can receive character slips for demonstrating any of the character pillars.  Getting slips results in praise and small prizes for students.   We will kick off the year with a motivating Character/Anti-Bullying assembly on September 13th!


Lincoln will continue to have our very successful school wide fundraiser, the Jog-a-thon, in February.  We are proud to have a fundraiser that promotes physical fitness. You will get more information as we get closer to February. 
Throughout the year we participate in the General Mills Box Tops for Education program.  Box Tops are found on the packaging of General Mills products, such as cereal, snacks, and paper products.  They are worth at least ten cents each and sometimes more.  If you purchase items with the Box Top logo, please cut them out and send them to school with your student.  Each classroom has a collection jar.

We will also continue the Shares program, which is a card you use at any Save Mart store, as well as at Food Maxx.  We will be providing Shares cards to families of our new second graders very soon.  If you have a friend, neighbor, or relative who would like a card, please let us know and we will provide an extra one.  Each time you shop, slide the Shares card at the cash register, and 3% of the money you spend goes to our school!  If your child is a third grader you can continue to use the same card as last year. If you have a relative that would use the card, just let us know and we will send an extra one home.  Our school earned over $4,500 last year from our participation in the Shares program. 
Important Dates for September

September 11th-First Flex Day of the year-school is dismissed at 1:30 today and all other Wednesdays (except foggy days.)
September 24th-Title I Parent Meeting-6:00-7:00 in the cafeteria

September 27th-Photo retakes