Thursday, September 5, 2013

Roosevelt Elementary School - Welcome Back!

The start of the school year has been very smooth, and I am pleased to report that our students are very happy at their new school and in their new classrooms.  I am thrilled to be here and see them learning from their teachers and sharing their knowledge with classmates!

The Importance of First Grade:
It all begins here.  First grade is the first grade level that is a requirement for all students to attend.  First grade is where students continue to learn how to read and write well.  First grade is where students understand basic math facts.  In fact, we will have a math facts program at our school that is part of the district math facts requirements.  Because of the importance of first grade, we are grateful to you for your involvement in your child’s education.  We are working on our beginning of the year assessments as well as CELDT testing in the next two weeks.  We look forward to getting these results as it will help us better meet the needs of our students!  As you can see, we are moving and shaking at Roosevelt!

Upcoming Dates:

9/6              Character Counts Assembly 1:15

9/9              Parent Club Mtg. 6:00 PM, Auditorium          

9/11           Title I parent Information Night @ 6:30

9/13           SSC/ELAC ballots due by 4:00 in the office

9/23-27 Book Fair (family night on 9/26 6-7 pm)

9/24           Bus Evacuation drill