Monday, November 2, 2015

Central Valley Home School Newsletter - November 2015

A huge thank you to The Discovery Center in Fresno for allowing students to tour their museum.  The Discovery Center was happy to welcome the group, gave us a great discount, and most importantly, a fun learning opportunity.

Students also had a great time with Tanya and Caleb Crevier.  The duo brought a great message:  Enthusiasm wins the GAME (Goals, Attitude, Morals, Ethics).  Champions for Tomorrow was an excellent assembly and we hope to have them back next year.

Santa Lucia - Community Clothing Exchange

CVHS wants to encourage the spirit of community and giving that takes place during this special time of year.  This year, CVHS will host a community clothing exchange.  Bring your clean, gently used children's clothing that they no longer fit into.  Take other clean, gently used items that will fit your children.  Take what you'll use, leave what you won't.  There is no cost associated with this event.  If you don't have anything to leave, you may still take, and vice versa.  Any items left over at the end of the event will be donated to KCAPS.

We could use volunteers to help man the tables.  Please spread the word and invite your friends.  

Upcoming Events

November 11 - Veterans Day

November 18 - Chaffee Zoo/Stingray Bay

November 20 - See's Fundraiser ends

November 23-27 - Thanksgiving Break

December 5 - Santa Lucia Parade

December 18 - Breakfast Before Break/Arts Day