Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lincoln Elementary School - January 2015

Scholastic Book Fair

The annual book fair will be held from January 26 to January 30 at Lincoln.  It will be open each day from 8:15 - 3:00 in Room 57. Books, as well as software, posters, pencils, and many other items will be available.  Cash, checks made out to Lincoln School, and credit cards will be accepted.  Parent Night will be held on January 27 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.  This is the only fundraiser the library has, and each year they are able to add many new books to their collection through the proceeds from the book fair.  Thank you for your support.  See you at the Book Fair!

Character Trait of the Month

Fairness is the Character Trait of the Month.  Fair students play by the rules, take turns and share, are open-minded, and listen to others.  We all know life isn't fair, but Lincoln students can be!

Hour of Code

December 8-12, Lincoln third grade classes participated in the "Hour of Code" project.  This was a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show how anyone can learn the basics.  The worldwide goal was for tens of millions of students to participate in celebration of Computer Science Education Week.  The students loved it and were very engaged in the project.