Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lincoln Elementary School - December 2013

Lincoln students are getting into the spirit of the season by sponsoring needy families in their classroom, as well as participating in many other in-class activities.  The KCAPS Canned Food Drive will run December 10-14.

Congratulations to all our students who got blue slips for showing examples of good character this first trimester!  Many students got to choose from the prize box.  Also, six students were chosen at random for a goodie bag at the end of the trimester.  Congratulations to the following students:

Joseph Corpus, Matthew Ward, Jessie Castenada, Ashley Garcia, Shea Morris, and Lily DeMaris.

Dates for December:

Dec. 2-6 Santa's Secret Shop
Dec. 7 Santa Lucia Parade @ 5:30
Dec. 9-13 KCAPS Canned Food Drive