Thursday, August 4, 2016

Central Valley Home School Newsletter - August 2016

Finding a way for all of our students to learn is what drives every decision that we make as a school.  At CVHS, we know that parents are the primary teachers of their children.  We are committed to assisting parents to educate their children as they strive to get to the next level.

We will continue to provide strategies, tools, and techniques for parents through newsletters and monthly period report meetings, along with demonstrating these in our on-site classes.

Learning happens when we try something new and step out of our comfort zone.  We all have different ideas and when we share those with each other, we multiply chances for success.

Academic classes are scheduled to start during the week of September 5th.  Enrichment classes will begin Wednesday, September 14th and wrap up on October 26th.  During this 7-week session, grades K-4 will be housed at Lincoln Elementary School. Grades 508 will be utilizing the CVHS campus.