Monday, February 9, 2015

Roosevelt Elementary School - February 2015

Character Trait of the MonthFebrurary - Respect

Students have been displaying good character at Roosevelt! Roosevelt Elementary School has been honoring students' efforts as they have been receiving "Caught with Character" tickets and have been entered in weekly drawings.  Once a name is drawn, the students are able to come to the office and select a special prize from the treasure box.  It is such a joy to see the excitement in the students as they proudly share the character trait they displayed in order to receive a ticket.  Way to go students!


The Read-a-Thon is Roosevelt's primary fundraiser for the year. The plan for spending the funds this year is to purchase items for students such as technology, curriculum, playground equipment, etc.  All students are working to collect their pledges for the pages they have read.  For every $20 students bring ink they will be entered in the daily draw.  Thank you to all families who were able to donate prizes and gift cards for the daily draw.  Roosevelt is still in need of a bit more and would appreciate any donations that come in.