Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Washington Elementary School - November 2014

Great American COOKIE Dough Fundraiser

Thank you for your help with this fundraiser. It helps fund our assemblies and field trips. Our top sellers were: Augustine Alonzo, Audrina Herrera, Izaiah Moreno, Kai Cano and Manuel Perez, Jr. They got to go in the “Money Machine” and grab dollar bills. They received anywhere from $19 to $39! Way to go Patriots!

Fall Flowers

Mrs. Bergstrom’s class and Miss Melanie planted flowers to beautify the front of the school. The flowers were purchased from Rafer Johnson Jr. High AVID class.Kindergarten children helped Jr. High students raise funds to visit colleges! Thank you, Miss Melanie, for making our grounds look beautiful! 

Danish with Dad

Danish with Dad was a great success! Thank you, Parent Club, for helping serve our Dads! Island Photography made every effort to donate their services at this event, but due to scheduling conflicts, they were unable to provide a photographer.  


In October, the TK classes went to the Fresno Zoo and the Kindergarten classes went to Hillcrest Farms Pumpkin Patch!  These trips help Patriots learn about their world.