Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School Newsletter - October 2017

The Rafer Johnson Color Run

    We held our second annual color run on Friday, September 16th.  Students raised pledge money and then ran 12 laps. While they ran their laps we had 22 parent volunteers throwing colored powder on them.  It didn’t stop there!  The volunteers also had colored water and then got to spray students down. 
     Students laughed and ran for 40 minutes.  They had so much fun and they raised over $8,000 to support all of the programs that we do at Rafer.  What a fun event!
     Thank you to all of the volunteers that made this day possible.  Thank you, also, to the local businesses that sponsored our event.

     This year we started a new program called STEAM.  It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.  We picked 208 students to go through two “strands” of STEAM.  There are two separate strands that students can go through. The first strand contains four classes that students rotate through.  These classes are: Microscope Lab, Math Recreation, Art, and Computer Keyboarding.  The second strand is also made up of four classes.  The second strand classes are: 3D Design and printing, Computer Science and Coding, Drama, and Computer Keyboarding.
     We are excited about the extra challenge this new program offers our students.  We are creating many new projects and learning many new skills that can be used in college and careers.

     Our 7th and 8th grade boys had a team member that got badly injured.  They play football on the Lions football team together.  Josh Petersen is a valued team mate of these boys.  Our boys wanted to do something for Josh.  They worked with Mrs. Carender and Mrs. Simmons to come up with an idea. 
     The football team made a large poster for all the students at Rafer to sign and write messages to Josh.  They also worked with Mrs. Simmons on making red ribbons that all the boys wore on their jerseys.
     Our boys are working hard and playing every game for Josh.  

Upcoming Dates

·       October 7th Club Day
·       October 10th-14th Parent teacher conferences
·       October 14th Home Ec. & Woodshop to Fresno Fair
·       October 15th Santa Cruz Band Review
·       October 25th Annual Title I meeting 5:30pm at Reagan
·       November 11-14th MESA to Catalina Island Marine Institute