Thursday, September 1, 2016

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - September 2016

We are off to a great start with 275 Kindergartners and Transitional Kindergartners. Last month we welcomed some new staff members.  This month we add new staff members Karissa Koch, speech/language therapist, and Danielle Ayers, intervention paraprofessional.

Goodies with Grandparents!

This special event is a time for our students to spend
with their grandparents at school.

Breakfast treats and beverages for students,
grandparents, and other family members.

7:00-8:00 a.m. Sept 9
Cost: $5.00 per person

You can pre-pay at the school office, or you
can pay at the time of the event. It is less crowded
earlier in the morning (7:00-7:30)

We all scream for Ice Cream!
We will start our ice cream sales on September 9 for those parents who wish to have their child have an ice cream treat. Ice cream is sold after lunch on every regular school scheduled Friday with the
exception of special event days and bad weather days.

Ice cream is one dollar. If you would like your child to have an ice cream, send them with a dollar on Friday. The money will be collected in class and your child will get a stamp on their arm. Your
child will choose one of several types of ice cream, which can vary from week to week.

Washington Elementary is proud to be a PBIS Bronze
level school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention
and Support. PBIS is a framework for creating and sustaining
safe and effective schools.  PBIS methods are research based
and have been proven to significantly reduce the occurrence
of problem behaviors, focusing on prevention and rewards for positive behavior.  Here at Washington we use our acronym STAR in specific settings, such as the classroom, hallway, bathroom,
lunchroom, and playground.  Your student had been in the
process of learning STAR and what that stands for since day


Washington PBIS Intervention Team
Mrs. Ribeiro
Mrs. MacAdam
Mrs. Luna
Mrs. DuPras
Mr. Contreras

Dates to Remember:
 Sept 1-School Photo Day
 Sept 2-Parent Club Meeting 8:15 Office
 Sept 7-21 Cookie Dough Fundraiser
 Sept 9-Goodies with Grandparents
 Sept 9-Ice Cream Sales-$1.00
 Sept 29-Photo Day make ups