Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School VROP Grant

Rafer Johnson was the recipient of a VROP grant.   One of the classes we started was Broadcast.  Our students are broadcasting our news bulletin on a Youtube channel daily.  It is called Torch TV.  

You can watch their broadcasts on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChViVOFTqIn0kNfe5cqnFOg

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Central Valley Home School Newsletter - September 2016


Christine Cook, our site secretary, was recently honored for 20 years of service in our district. Congratulations!!

Gini Muradian, CVHS Teacher was also honored for her 15 years of service. We are fortunate to have such experienced staff.

Trish Seapy is officially a CVHS teacher! She worked with us in the capacity of substitute teacher last year and we are happy to welcome her on staff this year.

What Will You Be?

Every morning when we wake up, we have a choice to be whatever it is we believe we can be. Setting goals and being intentional with our thoughts and our time are important. Please take some time and reflect on what you will be and asks your kids to do the same. I’d love to hear your be’s and I’d really love to add it our wall. I have created sentence strips to fill out or you can create a sign, picture, collage, etc. For me, I strive to be better than ever. Having this posted is a visual reminder for me on days when it feels hard to keep going.

SMILE it’s Picture Day
Wed. Sept. 28, 2015
11 A.M. —1 P.M.
Student I.D. cards are free
Picture Packages available for purchase

See's Candy Fundraiser

CVHS students’ will be fundraising with See’s candy from 10/3/16 —11/4/16. All proceeds from this fundEvery morning when we wake up, we have a choice to be whatever it is we believe we can be. Setting goals and being intentional with our thoughts and our time are important. Please take some time and reflect on what you will be and asks your kids to do the same. I’d love to hear your be’s and I’d really love to add it our wall. I have created sentence strips to fill out or you can create a sign, picture, collage, etc. For me, I strive to be better than ever. Having this posted is a visual re-minder for me on days when it feels hard to keep going.raiser go towards assemblies, fieldtrips, and other educational opportunities for our students. This is our only fundraiser of the year. Many of you may have friends and families that may not be interested in candy but want to help. They can make a monetary contribution to CVHS ASB.

Reagan Elementary School Newsletter - September 2016

Magazine Sales

On Thursday, August 25 and Tuesday, August 30, we had our first two turn in days for our magazine sales fundraiser and we brought in over $14,000 in total sales.  This was a great start to our fundraiser!  We still have 2 more turn in days: Thursday, September 1 and Tuesday, September 6.

After Great American takes a percentage of our sales, the money left is used to assist transportation costs as well as entrance fees for field trips and reward activities for all of our students.  

The goal for each of our students is to sell at least 10 items.  Thank you for your continued support in helping us raise money for our school.

6th Grade Science Camp
This year our 6th grade classes will be spending 4 days and 3 nights at Calvin Crest Outdoor Education Camp.  With the addition of the extra day, night, and 3 meals, the cost will now be $200.  Payments can be made at any time in our front office.

                 Reagan Ten Year Anniversary Spirit Wear
This school year is the beginning of our  tenth year in existence.  In order to honor this we have come up with 10 year anniversary logo. We have teamed with Midtown Sports to create an online store where anyone will be able to purchase shirts, sweaters, hats, and other accessories to show their Mustang Spirit.  If you would like to view our online store, please visit:


Please note that the window to purchase items will end on Friday, September 16.  After this date, items will be delivered to Reagan two weeks later.  Information on a pick up day will be available at a later date. 

Sports Around Reagan
Reagan Elementary will continue to offer after school sports this year.  For the Fall season, Reagan will have Flag Football and Volleyball.  The Fall after school sports will only be available for our 5th and 6th graders. 

Music Around Reagan
Music Boosters
The first Music Boosters meeting will be held on Monday, September 12 at 7 p.m. at Rafer Johnson Jr. High.  This is a great opportunity to get involved in our band program.  All are invited to attend this meeting.

Mr. Awbrey, Mrs. Sigle, and Mr. Merritt are ready for a great year with our students in our music classes.  

The Back to Band Ice Cream Social is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13 at 6 p.m. 

Lincoln Elementary School Newsletter - September 2016

Fund Raising Opportunities

Thank you for your generosity over the years with our school fundraising efforts!  The money raised during these events help pay for school supplies, field trips, technology, trophies, and other items.  Lincoln’s annual Jog-a-thon will take place on Friday, October 28th.  As some of you know I enjoy running, and I can’t think of a better fundraiser than one that helps promote a healthy lifestyle.  More information coming soon!  I can’t wait!!!

This year we will continue our Box Tops program.  Throughout the year we participate in the General Mills Box Tops for education program.  Box Tops are worth at least ten cents each and sometimes more.  If you purchase items with the Box Tops logo, please cut them out and send them to school with your student.  Each classroom has a collection jar.

2nd Grade Spotlight – Ms. Warkentin’s Class

The year is off to an extraordinary start in room 15! We are diving right into our consumer and producer unit within the next couple of days. During this unit students are going to be learning that food is made by the producers and it is then bought by the consumers. In the coming weeks this unit is going to take us on our first field trip to downtown Kingsburg and our local grocery store, Save Mart. During this trip the students will get a first-hand account on how food enters the store and gets put onto the shelves so that consumers are able to shop. It is going to be a great learning experience for all. The students and I are looking forward to the rest of the year and all of the fun activities!

3rd Grade Spotlight – Miss. Sembritzki’s Class

Room 23 has been hard at work! We had a great time kicking off the school year with Passport Day!  During passport day, we toured the school and learned how to S.O.A.R. in the cafeteria, hallways, bathrooms, playground, library and classroom.  We ended our first week with a talk about our character trait of the month, trustworthiness.  Together as a class, we decided that a trustworthy person is reliable, honest, does the right thing, is loyal to family and friends, and does not lie or cheat.  We are hoping to use this knowledge to show all of our peers at Lincoln how trustworthy we can be!

Upcoming Events

¨    August 31st – First Flex Day – School dismissed at 1:10 PM
¨    September 5th Labor Day –  NO SCHOOL
¨    September 8th Parent Club Meeting at 8:30 AM in Room 3
¨    September 23rd Photo Retakes

Roosevelt Elementary School Newsletter - September 2016

Student Behavior

We are off to a great start with student behavior.  Students are being recognized for following our STAR behavior expectations.   
S – stay safe
T – take responsibility
A – act respectfully
R – ready to learn.  

Connected to this PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) framework is Character Counts! 

We just had a Character Counts assembly.  Teachers performed a skit or two for each of the pillars of character.  We will begin learning the Character Pledge and focusing on a Pillar of Character each month. 

Upcoming Events
Sept 21   Picture Day
Sept 19-23   Book Fair
Oct 26   Picture Retakes

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - September 2016

We are off to a great start with 275 Kindergartners and Transitional Kindergartners. Last month we welcomed some new staff members.  This month we add new staff members Karissa Koch, speech/language therapist, and Danielle Ayers, intervention paraprofessional.

Goodies with Grandparents!

This special event is a time for our students to spend
with their grandparents at school.

Breakfast treats and beverages for students,
grandparents, and other family members.

7:00-8:00 a.m. Sept 9
Cost: $5.00 per person

You can pre-pay at the school office, or you
can pay at the time of the event. It is less crowded
earlier in the morning (7:00-7:30)

We all scream for Ice Cream!
We will start our ice cream sales on September 9 for those parents who wish to have their child have an ice cream treat. Ice cream is sold after lunch on every regular school scheduled Friday with the
exception of special event days and bad weather days.

Ice cream is one dollar. If you would like your child to have an ice cream, send them with a dollar on Friday. The money will be collected in class and your child will get a stamp on their arm. Your
child will choose one of several types of ice cream, which can vary from week to week.

Washington Elementary is proud to be a PBIS Bronze
level school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention
and Support. PBIS is a framework for creating and sustaining
safe and effective schools.  PBIS methods are research based
and have been proven to significantly reduce the occurrence
of problem behaviors, focusing on prevention and rewards for positive behavior.  Here at Washington we use our acronym STAR in specific settings, such as the classroom, hallway, bathroom,
lunchroom, and playground.  Your student had been in the
process of learning STAR and what that stands for since day


Washington PBIS Intervention Team
Mrs. Ribeiro
Mrs. MacAdam
Mrs. Luna
Mrs. DuPras
Mr. Contreras

Dates to Remember:
 Sept 1-School Photo Day
 Sept 2-Parent Club Meeting 8:15 Office
 Sept 7-21 Cookie Dough Fundraiser
 Sept 9-Goodies with Grandparents
 Sept 9-Ice Cream Sales-$1.00
 Sept 29-Photo Day make ups