Friday, April 1, 2016

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - April 2016


All kindergarten classes had a great time visiting the zoo in March. Much of what they learned and saw was reflected before and after the field trip in their reading, writing, and even in the computer lab!

Open House is coming this month!

We hope all families will come to Open House on Thursday, April 14th. Classrooms will be open from 6-7 p.m. In addition to classroom visitations, please stop by the back patio area. We will have food vendors, including Jamba Juice and Panda Express. We will also serve hot dogs, chips, and a drink combo starting at

Island Photography will be on hand to take free family photos.
In addition, we will have the Fresno County Library mobile station. You can sign your student up for a library card on site that evening. 

Any student who signs up for a library card
will receive a treat. If your student already has a library card, have it on hand that night and they will receive a treat as well. Our goal is to have all students have their own library card to prevent summer reading loss and promote responsibility in having their own library card.

We hope to see you then!

Washington Elementary April 2016
Dates to Remember:
4/5-After School Program #3 Begins
4/8-Farm Day Kindergarten
4/14-Open House 6:00-7:00
Food Booths will open at 5:30.

Mark you calendars for May:
May 2-6-Staff Appreciation Week
May 6-Muffins with Moms

Starting April 1, 2016, the Save Mart S.H.A.R.E.S. program will become Shares powered by eScrip.  In order for Wash-ington School to earn 3% when you shop at Save Mart, Lucky or Food Maxx, please register at You can register with your SaveMart S.H.A.R.E.S. card number or sim-ply by using
your phone number.