The Spell a Thon is Here!
The Spell a Thon is a great opportunity to make sure students are learning to spell their basic sight words and help the school as well!We are in the process of collecting prizes for our top earners, such as scooters, play equipment, gift cards, passes to popular events in the valley, and FREE ICE CREAM ON FRIDAYS FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!
Prizes will be awarded at our assembly on February 19th. All students who score 100% on their spelling lists will receive a certificate.
The class with the highest funds raised AND the highest number of participants will win a movie/popcorn party. Students who bring in $50.00 or more will participate in a special activity.
Fun in the Snow
Students had the chance to play with snow in front of Washington in January. The teachers used this to fun opportunity to help with reading, writing, and art activities.
Gearing up for the 2016-2017 School Year!
*Deadline Requirement - Although we accept new students throughout the year, priority class placement
(teacher request consideration) will go to students who have completed the registration process prior to March 12, 2016. Teacher request forms will be available March 14th-18th.