Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Roosevelt Elementary School Newsletter - January 2016

Santa Lucia Parade

Thank you to all Roosevelt families who contributed to making the Roosevelt Float for the Santa Lucia.

Parade! Our students had a great time and looked amazing as minions!

Parent Advisory Club
See’s Candy Fundraiser Results!

On behalf of the students and staff of Roosevelt, I would like to thank our families for their efforts in selling See’s Candy and raising funds that will be used for all of our students! As a school we challenged ourselves to raise $2,000. We managed to bring in $4,595!!! Way to go Roughriders! Since we made our school goal, all students were treated to a movie and a cookie to celebrate their efforts in December.

Roosevelt Read-a-Thon

It is time to get ready for our Annual
Roosevelt READ-A-THON!

The Read-A-Thon is our school’s main fundraiser for the year! All money raised will be used for purchasing items for students such as technology, curriculum, playground equipment, etc. In order to make this a successful event, we need help from you. We are asking for any donations that can be used for the student prize drawing! We will take any NEW items that you feel a first grade child would like. Some ideas are toys, footballs, soccer balls, books, coloring books with crayons, etc. They even love gift certificates to ice cream or fast food restaurants around town. No item is too small as we have grouped things together in the past to make a nice prize! We will take anything you would like to donate and will accept them beginning now and up to the day of the Read-A-Thon, January 29th.  We look forward to this event and will keep you informed as we move closer to the big day.