On Thursday and Friday, December 10th and 11th, Mr.
Awbrey’s and Mrs. Sigle’s 5th and 6th grade band classes performed for their
peers and parents during our afternoon concerts. The students sounded great and performed with
enthusiasm. Great job to our Mustang
Band students!
On Monday and Tuesday, December 14th and 15th, Mr.
Merritt’s 4th, 5th, and 6th grade Choir students performed for their peers and
parents during our afternoon concerts.
This was the first time that our 4th graders have participated in these
concerts. All of our choir students sang
beautifully and had a lot of fun. We
would like to thank our music directors, Mr. Awbrey, Mrs. Sigle, and Mr.
Merritt for putting on these important events for our students and families.
On Wednesday,
January 13th we began our second season of lunchtime intramurals. For this second season, we will be playing
soccer. Once again, classes from each
grade level will play the other classes once a week in a round robin format to
determine playoff seedings. If you would
like to assist us with being a referee or linesperson during these games,
please contact our front office.
New Date—Jog-a-Thon
We have a new date for our jog-a-thon fundraiser, it will be held on Wednesday, February 24, 2016. More information will be sent home later this month; however, if you would like to assist us with this event (counting laps, counting money, or donating a gift card as a prize) please contact us.
Upcoming Dates:
22—Basketball home vs. Jackson (Selma) 12:45 p.m.
26—Computer Coding Club begins—second session
January 26—SSC
meeting 3:15 p.m.
26—ELAC meeting 5:00 p.m.
27—Superhero Wednesday
29—Basketball home vs. Eric White (Selma) 12:45 p.m.