Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Roosevelt Read-a-Thon Kickoff

Read-a-Thon Kickoff

Roosevelt held their Read-a-Thon Kickoff on Friday, January 15, 2016.  Special visitors included the Cat in the Hat, Clifford, and other characters from children's literature.  

Thanks to all who helped make this a special event for the Roosevelt Roughriders!

Central Valley Home School - January 2016

Staff Spotlight:  Jessica Wilkins

Mrs. Wilkins has been teaching CVHS’s 8th grade math class all year. In addition, she recently taught a creative writing unit in our 6th-8th grade Switch class. Her full-time position is teaching 6-8th grades at a neighboring site within our district. She was recently nominated for California League of Middle Schools Educator of the Year for Region 7. Way to go, Mrs. Wilkins,  We appreciate all you do for not only the students at your school but ours as well.

Student Spotlight:  Brady Alves

Brady is a 7th grade student at CVHS. He started homeschooling with us this year after he began having health issues on the first day of school. Below is an excerpt of his personal narrative which describes his journey with Wegener’s disorder. 

“Having Wegener’s has really changed my life, it has brought good things and bad things. It’s really made me learn a lot about my health and my body. I know I won’t be sick forever but for the rest of my life I’m going to have to watch for symptoms of another flare up. I can’t wait for the day when I’m well enough to play baseball with my friends. I’m going to keep on fighting Wegener’s. In the end he’s going to be the one in the hospital bed and I’m going to be the one who walks away because I’m a survivor.”

See's Candy Spotlight

Thumbs up to ALL our students who participated in our single fundraiser of the year.  Our top seller was Daniel Hofer (7th) with sales totaling $1700! Wow!!!

Also to note:
Jordan Watkins, $600+
Gabriel Ramirez & Elizabeth Gharibian $500+
Daisey Garcia, Bethanany & Morgan Weeks’ $300+
C.J. Ramirez, Remington Taylor, Madison Alvarez, Claire & Thomas Oakley $200+

Every little bit helps provide educational opportunities and activities for our student body. Thank-you!!!  We sold over $7500 and raised over $2200 for our school!

National School Choice Week:  January 24-30, 2016

National School Choice week is held every January with the goal of promoting awareness about educational options. All children are different and each child deserves to be educated in an environment that is best for them.

Homeschooling is one of many educational options. It is a choice! 

In honor of school of choice week , we will hold a special assembly on Wed. January 27, 2016. The Fresno Gem and Mineral Society will be on campus at 1:00 for a presentation and demonstration. They have asked for a dark room and have hinted that some minerals glow in the dark. 

Save the Dates

February 18th, 12:30 P.M., CVHS will be heading to Visalia to visit the Imagine U interactive children’s museum. Exhibits include titles such as Magestic Oak, Amphimedow, Grove pick and pack, Wonderful Water, U fix it, & Imagination Station.

The Peach Blossom Festival and Poetry and Prose is coming in March. The purpose of these events is to give students a positive experience with oral interpretation while performing in front of an audience. 

Our annual CVHS student Talent Show is scheduled for Thursday, March 17, 2016 @ 6 P.M. 

Reagan Elementary School Newsletter - January 2016


On Thursday and Friday, December 10th and 11th, Mr. Awbrey’s and Mrs. Sigle’s 5th and 6th grade band classes performed for their peers and parents during our afternoon concerts.  The students sounded great and performed with enthusiasm.  Great job to our Mustang Band students!

On Monday and Tuesday, December 14th and 15th, Mr. Merritt’s 4th, 5th, and 6th grade Choir students performed for their peers and parents during our afternoon concerts.  This was the first time that our 4th graders have participated in these concerts.  All of our choir students sang beautifully and had a lot of fun.  We would like to thank our music directors, Mr. Awbrey, Mrs. Sigle, and Mr. Merritt for putting on these important events for our students and families.

Soccer Intramurals

On Wednesday, January 13th we began our second season of lunchtime intramurals.  For this second season, we will be playing soccer.  Once again, classes from each grade level will play the other classes once a week in a round robin format to determine playoff seedings.  If you would like to assist us with being a referee or linesperson during these games, please contact our front office.

New Date—Jog-a-Thon

We have a new date for our jog-a-thon fundraiser, it will be held on Wednesday, February 24, 2016.  More information will be sent home later this month; however, if you would like to assist us with this event (counting laps, counting money, or donating a gift card as a prize) please contact us.

Upcoming Dates:

·   January 22—Basketball home vs. Jackson (Selma) 12:45 p.m.
·   January 26—Computer Coding Club begins—second session
·   January 26—SSC meeting 3:15 p.m.
·   January 26—ELAC meeting 5:00 p.m.
·   January 27—Superhero Wednesday
·   January 29—Basketball home vs. Eric White (Selma) 12:45 p.m.

Lincoln Elementary School Newsletter - January 2016

Lincoln School won the Grand Prize award in 

Kingsburg Festival of Lights Parade!!!

At Kingsburg’s Festival of Lights Parade, Lincoln School took home the Grand Prize! Congratulations Lincoln Eagles!!! I would like to thank the Lincoln Parent Club for coming up with the Lego theme, and the countless hours of preparation that went into the design and preparation of the float. 

Also, I want to thank all the students, parents, and Lincoln staff for all your hard work that you put into our float. A special thank you goes to our music teacher, Mr. Jason Awbrey, and our custodian, Mr. Jerry Perez, for playing the live music for the students on the float. 

I personally want to thank Kingsburg’s Wildwood Trucking for not only providing the truck, but also the driver for the parade! I believe it takes a TEAM to be successful, and I believe we have an AWESOME team at Lincoln!  Congratulations to everyone!

2nd Grade Spotlight - Mrs. Rogers' Class

In Mrs. Rogers’ room we have had a month full of hard work and excitement. We have started writing opinion paragraphs, and boy do second graders have some amazing opinions. We have also had lots of fun journaling about our Elf on the Shelf and making predictions about what crazy things he will do next. The highlight of our month started with reading A Trip to the Firehouse. After reading this nonfiction text we were fortunate enough to have the Kingsburg Fire Department come out to our school with a fire truck and a fire engine. We got to watch a firefighter dress in his gear and see him climb a 55 foot ladder. Most importantly the fire fighters told us what to do in case of a fire in our own homes. We learned how important it is to talk with our families and have a safe meeting spot outside our homes in case of a fire. Has your family talked about a safe meeting place? Thank you Kingsburg Fire Department for helping us connect our learning to our own lives.

3rd Grade Spotlight - Mrs. Rosales' Class

Studio 12 is rocking the Hollywood theme showing our Super Star behavior wherever we go! Each month, we learn a new performance based on the character trait of the month and/or the unit of study. Recently, we have finished our study of the Yokut Indians in which we created a slide show with bullet points to highlight main ideas and details and then moved into an expository essay. You can catch our performance entitled “Walk Lightly” on our classroom web page. We are now working on 3 paragraph opinion papers. Who do you think works harder, the reindeer or the elves? It is exciting to watch the students use their creativity to express themselves and their opinions.

Roosevelt Elementary School Newsletter - January 2016

Santa Lucia Parade

Thank you to all Roosevelt families who contributed to making the Roosevelt Float for the Santa Lucia.

Parade! Our students had a great time and looked amazing as minions!

Parent Advisory Club
See’s Candy Fundraiser Results!

On behalf of the students and staff of Roosevelt, I would like to thank our families for their efforts in selling See’s Candy and raising funds that will be used for all of our students! As a school we challenged ourselves to raise $2,000. We managed to bring in $4,595!!! Way to go Roughriders! Since we made our school goal, all students were treated to a movie and a cookie to celebrate their efforts in December.

Roosevelt Read-a-Thon

It is time to get ready for our Annual
Roosevelt READ-A-THON!

The Read-A-Thon is our school’s main fundraiser for the year! All money raised will be used for purchasing items for students such as technology, curriculum, playground equipment, etc. In order to make this a successful event, we need help from you. We are asking for any donations that can be used for the student prize drawing! We will take any NEW items that you feel a first grade child would like. Some ideas are toys, footballs, soccer balls, books, coloring books with crayons, etc. They even love gift certificates to ice cream or fast food restaurants around town. No item is too small as we have grouped things together in the past to make a nice prize! We will take anything you would like to donate and will accept them beginning now and up to the day of the Read-A-Thon, January 29th.  We look forward to this event and will keep you informed as we move closer to the big day.

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - January 2016

Peanuts Christmas Float

Thank you to the families and friends who helped create our
“Peanuts Christmas” float. We had a great group of people who decorated, donated items, and helped tear down the float. It was a fun event for all!

DRA Testing

What is DRA testing? All of our kindergartners will
take this test in January and again in the Spring.  The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a
standardized reading test used to determine a student’s
instructional level in reading. The DRA is administered
individually to students by teachers and/ 
or reading specialists.

Students read a selection and then retell what they
have read.As the levels increase, so does the difficulty
level for each selection. Students will
continue to take the DRA up until the end of third
grade. The goal for kindergarten students is to
achieve a “4 “by the end of the year.

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Cards are coming!

Island Photography will be creating personalized Valentine's
cards for our students with their school photo on them.
They will be $10.00 a set.
More info coming soon.