Transitional Kindergarten students spent a day on the farm at Fresno State and continue to focus on early Kindergarten skills while learning about Farms and farm animals. The Dairy Council visited recently and gave a wonderful presentation about one of their cows. The students were eager to ask questions about their special visitor.
Early Intervention is in the middle of their biannual student review process. It is so exciting to see how our preschoolers have grown in their academic, social and language skills. The students have been exploring and learning about spring time and Farm.
Washington State preschoolers and VDA preschoolers have been enjoying the warm weather and are now observing their environment for signs of spring. Hands-on science activities have been a hit with the students. They especially love worms!
Many classes at Washington School are celebrating Easter by having a party and, of course, an Easter Egg Hunt! This is always a favorite spring activity.