Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (ACCS)

Congratulations to Dr. Wesley Sever!  He recently received official word that his application to serve on the Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (ACCS) was approved. ACCS will report to the State Board of Education (SBE). The application process included lengthy written responses to several questions as well as an oral interview. This is a two-year appointment. ACCS will meet every other month in Sacramento. All expenses will be covered.  

The Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District is one of eight charter districts in the state. Dr. Sever said it is an honor to serve on this statewide commission and he looks forward to representing our district at the state level and being a positive influence for continuation of our charter.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Central Valley Home School Newsletter - November 2015

A huge thank you to The Discovery Center in Fresno for allowing students to tour their museum.  The Discovery Center was happy to welcome the group, gave us a great discount, and most importantly, a fun learning opportunity.

Students also had a great time with Tanya and Caleb Crevier.  The duo brought a great message:  Enthusiasm wins the GAME (Goals, Attitude, Morals, Ethics).  Champions for Tomorrow was an excellent assembly and we hope to have them back next year.

Santa Lucia - Community Clothing Exchange

CVHS wants to encourage the spirit of community and giving that takes place during this special time of year.  This year, CVHS will host a community clothing exchange.  Bring your clean, gently used children's clothing that they no longer fit into.  Take other clean, gently used items that will fit your children.  Take what you'll use, leave what you won't.  There is no cost associated with this event.  If you don't have anything to leave, you may still take, and vice versa.  Any items left over at the end of the event will be donated to KCAPS.

We could use volunteers to help man the tables.  Please spread the word and invite your friends.  

Upcoming Events

November 11 - Veterans Day

November 18 - Chaffee Zoo/Stingray Bay

November 20 - See's Fundraiser ends

November 23-27 - Thanksgiving Break

December 5 - Santa Lucia Parade

December 18 - Breakfast Before Break/Arts Day

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School Newsletter - November 2015

     Celebrating PBIS and student behavior!

We want to catch students meeting PRIDE expectations!!

Why? RAP Citation is a positive behavior recognition to encourage students to consistently demonstrate PRIDE.
Who? All staff (teachers, office, cafeteria, yard duty, etc.) should be awarding students who show PRIDE with RAP Citations. 5-10 per week min.
How? Each staff member is given a stack of sticky note RAP Citations. Staff members are to write their own name on the bottom of the note. When they see a student displaying PRIDE, they can give them a citation and tell them to write their name on it and turn it into the office.  We will have once-a-month drawings where students AND REFERRING STAFF MEMBERS will win prizes for PRIDE!

Rafer Johnson Red Ribbon Week

We had Grant Thiessen come talk to Rafer Olympians regarding making choices that impact their lives.  He spoke to students on 4 of the 5 days of Red Ribbon week.  He told us his story.  He then taught us about influences and conditional and unconditional love.  Students then identified hurts in their lives.  They learned about forgiveness.  They learned that when you forgive someone you really free yourself from the hurt. We then made promises for our futures.  It was a great week!

Reagan Elementary School Newsletter - November 2015

Band March-A-Thon

On Wednesday, October 28, the 5th and 6th grade band members from Reagan participated in the annual Band March-A-Thon.  183, 5th and 6th grade band members from Reagan marched along with the Rafer Johnson Jr. High band, marching from Rafer Johnson to Reagan.  The bands, under the direction of Mrs. Kimbi Sigle and Mr. Jason Awbrey, stopped to perform at various locations, ending with a lunchtime performance at Reagan.  The students sounded great and they all had a lot of fun.  We would like to thank all who donated their time and/or financially, to this important fundraiser.  “Let’s Go Band.”

Fill the Bus/KCAPS Christmas With Dignity

We would like to thank all who contributed to Reagan’s Fill the Bus event for Fire Fighters.  It was a great success!  Mrs. Zapata’s 5th grade class helped facilitate the event.

Beginning Tuesday, November 3, and running until Friday, December 4, we will be collecting toys for KCAPS Christmas With Dignity event.  This is an important event for the families of Kingsburg who may not be able to purchase gifts for loved ones during the holiday season.  The donated toys are sold at a reduced price to pre-screened families who qualify.  Last year, this event provided approximately 500 gifts to be purchased by families from the Kingsburg area.  Please consider donating an unwrapped gift to this worthy cause.  A red box has been placed in each classroom at Reagan where gifts can be stored.  Suggested gifts include: sports equipment, toy trucks, board games, baby dolls, Barbies, Legos, action figures, and glove/hat/scarf sets.  
Upcoming Dates:
·   November 2—Music Boosters 7:00 pm @ Reagan
·   November 3—SSC Meeting 3:30 pm @ Reagan Library
·   November 3—ELAC Meeting 4:30 pm @ Reagan Library
·   November 3—PTA Meeting 6:00 pm @ Reagan Library
·   November 4—Fall Sports Tournament @ Selma 9:00 am
·   November 5—After School Intervention First Session ends
·   November 9—5th grade to Monterey Bay Aquarium
·   November 11—No School—Veteran’s Day
·   November 12—5th grade to Monterey Bay Aquarium
·   November 13—End of 1st Trimester
·   November 13—Permission slips for After School Intervention 2nd session due
·   November 20—Report Cards Go Home
·   November 23-27—No School—Thanksgiving Break

Lincoln Elementary School Newsletter - November 2015

Lincoln Eagles


Red Ribbon Week Assembly - Rick Alonzo

On October 26, students were treated to an awesome assembly from local artist, Rick Alonzo.  Students were reminded how important it is to have great character in everything they do.  Also, students were able to do a fun activity each day of Red Ribbon Week:  creating posters, signing banners, enjoying music at lunch recess, and dressing in fun ways.


October 30 was a great day as the Lincoln students gave it their all running laps in the annual Jog-a-Thon fundraiser.  The students did their best during the fun event.  Thank you for your generous donations!  For every $20 a student turns in, they will receive a ticket that will make them eligible for the daily fun drawing in which they can receive the generous prizes that parents donated.  On November 13, at 1 pm, Lincoln will have the Jog-a-Thon Awards Assembly.  On November 18, students who brought in $75 or more will get to throw a water balloon at Mr. Stovall!

Santa Lucia Parade

On December 5, Lincoln Elementary School will be having a float with the theme, "The Lego Movie:  Christmas is Awesome!"  The Parent Club will be organizing the float, so please like the parent page on Facebook for all upcoming float information.  

2nd Grade Spotlight - Mrs. Eckgren's Class

Mrs. Eckgren's class enjoyed their field trip to the Discovery Center in Fresno.  Students experimented with "states of matter."  They blew up balloons using gas made from mixing baking soda and vinegar.  Dry ice experiences visually illustrated the formation of water vapor.  Students made a Borax solution that turned into "Flubber," turning a liquid into a solid.  The reptile room was a big hit, especially when the staff allowed students to touch the boa constrictor.  Climbing into the space capsule was great fun, as was seeing all the turtles sunning on the rocks and swimming in the pond.  Examining the many history and science artifacts formed an excellent storehouse of knowledge from which to build future learning. 

3rd Grade Spotlight - Mr. Garcia's Class

On October 16, Mr. Garcia's class planted flowers around the tree outside of the classroom as a school beautification project.  This was a team effort with teacher, parent, and student alike.  Many of the parents from Room 21 graciously donated to this autumn planting event.  The number one goal was to inspire the students to give  back and donate their time and effort to Lincoln Elementary School where they come every day.  These students learn from example, as this may have been their first community service project. Room 21 has inspired other classrooms on this part of the campus to plant flowers as well.  Thank you to all who contributed!

Roosevelt Elementary School Newsletter - November/December 2015

Thank you to all families who attended Parent/Teacher conferences, Grandparents Day, and Danish with Dad.  All of these activities were a huge success and a great deal of fun for all who were able to join us! 

On behalf of the Roosevelt Staff, I would like to recognize the Roosevelt Parent Advisory Club for their hard work and effort in making sure our activities have gone off without a hitch.  From donation organization to arriving early for Danish with Dad, we appreciate their efforts and look forward to working together on future events that support our Roughrider student body!! 

Veterans Day
One tradition at Roosevelt is to honor our Veterans.  On Tuesday, November 10 at 1:15 p.m., we will be honoring our men and women, who have served, and who are serving in our armed forces.  We are inviting all Veterans and service personnel to join us for our program and refreshments.

Santa Lucia Parade~
The Santa Lucia parade will be on Saturday, December 5th.   We will be creating a float to represent Roosevelt!! With that being said, we are in need of some donations!  White Christmas lights, small Christmas trees, white sheets or white table cloths are items we are looking to be donated.   Flyers will go home in the near future providing details about putting the float together and participating in this big community event!

         We’ve got S.T.A.R. character!
 During our Character Education day our students learned about character and what it means to have “S.T.A.R.” Character.  In every location on our campus, students are learning what it means to:
Stay Safe, Take Responsibility, Act Respectfully, and are Ready to Learn!  Students received a badge last week signifying our school has S.T.A.R. character.   

Dates to Remember:
11/3                Site Council Meeting (2:30 pm)
11/10              Veteran’s Day Assembly (1:15 pm)
11/ 11             No School – Veterans Day
11/13              End of First Trimester
11/16              See’s candy flyers home
11/20              Report cards home
11/23-27         No School – Thanksgiving Week
11/30              See’s Candy money/orders due
                        Santa’s Secret Shop preview day
12/1-2             Santa’s Secret Shop
12/11              See’s candy pick-up
12/ 14-17        Winter Programs
12/17-18         Minimum Days

Washington Elementary School Newsletter - November 2015

Washington students have learned what STAR stands for:  

Stay Safe
Take Responsibility
Act Respectfully

Ready to Learn

For the past month, staff quizzed students and those who knew received a "STAR Bucks."  They put them in the STAR Jar for a fun raffle on Fridays.

October was an exciting time for both TKers and Kindergartners. TK students went on a field trip to the zoo and Kindergartners went to the Pumpkin Patch.  All students enjoyed Safety Day, where police officers and firemen talked to the students about staying safe.  We had a great turnout for Danish with Dads.  Ice cream Fridays started.  Students watched the Reagan and Rafer bands march by the school and heard some great music!

The Washington Parent Club is planning a "Peanuts" float for the Santa Lucia Festival of Lights Parade on December 5.

Title I Parent Night - Thank You

Thank you, EVERYONE, for helping at the recent Title I Parent Night!  Everyone played an important part in making the event a success.  I'm not sure how many parents actually attended.  I did a quick, rough count and counted 70 something, although not all of them signed the check in sheet.   The presentations were great and the parents I talked to expressed that they were having fun attending the sessions facilitated by all of you.  The kids had a great time with our paraprofessionals - Thank you!  The kids' technology projects were so impressive.  I even saw a first grader show me how she could use the keyboard without looking at her hands!


Bobby Rodriguez and Amy Sutton
- Thank you for letting us use Reagan.  I know that meant a lot of extra time and work on your part, getting the rooms ready for us, and cleaning up afterwards.   Thanks to our leadership team for helping  plan the event and to Sarah Ballard for sending the automated messages.  If you're a member of ALT, we will reflect on the event and talk about what worked and what we can do to improve.  All others, please email me any thoughts or suggestions you have for improvement. Let's do it again next year!  Thanks again! 
--Melanie Sembritzki