Friday, January 24, 2014

Some of Us Will Save More than Just Kids! Story #5: Be the Turning Point............In Someone's Life

Recently I received this EMAIL from Jennifer DuPras, Principal, Lincoln Elementary School:

“One of my teachers was a hero recently.  I was so proud of her I wanted to pass it on.  A teacher got a piece of meat lodged in her throat at lunch, blocking her airway.  Her colleagues noticed and Annette Price quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver on her, successfully dislodging the food, maybe saving her life!  Both ladies were shaken up but fine.  I was so proud of Annette's quick action.”

I called and thanked Annette Price later that day.  I also called Lori Eidson to make sure she was okay.  Lori was truly grateful for this act of kindness, bravery, and Annette’s quick response.  She told me that right when Annette started the Heimlich maneuver, she had passed out in her arms.  SHE HAD NO DOUBT THAT ANNETTE HAD SAVED HER LIFE.

I would just like to personally thank Annette Price from all of us!!!

In Someone's Life Sometimes Parents Don’t Realize – The Grass is not Greener on the Other Side of the Fence! Story #4: Be the Turning Point.........In Someone's Life

Happy New Year, Mr. Johnson (Central Valley Home School)!

We've been meaning to email you and thank you for taking care of Little Will's disenrollment needs as we sent him back to public school the week before Winter Break.  He has adjusted well and is finding the challenge there that I simply couldn't offer in my current state of pregnancy.
We wanted to let you know, as well, how grateful he and we, as parents, were for the time he had homeschooling through CVHS.  We were a little worried that Will might be behind where the public school students currently are, but were very pleased to find out that he was in fact FIVE chapters ahead in the same HOLT U.S. History textbook and is gleaning more as he "reviews" those chapters while his peers learn it the first time around!  Also, though they use a different Geometry text (McDougal-Littell) than the HOLT Geometry book Will learned through CVHS, he was THREE chapters ahead of his peers in middle school!  As a matter of fact, his new geometry teacher gave him a short quiz on his second day there and announced to the class that Will had scored higher than some of them there!  It made Little Will blush (and us, as parents, very proud!).   

CVHS provided, and continues to provide, the flexibility and rigor we desire for our children.  How pleased we are to homeschool in collaboration with CVHS and you, Mr. J, as our master teacher!  We look forward to the semester ahead as we continue homeschooling our other three children through CVHS.  Thank you and CVHS for all that you do for our family!

Most Sincerely,

Will and Trish Freeman

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Precious Raise - Story #3: Be the Turning Point.........In Someone's Life

You have asked us to share moments of our career that impact us personally. I have a small story of a student that has made my day.

Today during cafeteria  duty, I had a student approach me with his lunch card,  after I scanned his card he stated,

“Mrs. Hernandez you are doing a “GREAT JOB!” I am going to give you a raise.” He proceeded to place 6 cents in the palm of my left hand and gave me a big hug repeating again, “You are doing a GREAT JOB.”

This act of kindness made my day and brought tears to my eyes as I was overwhelmed by the tenderness of the student as he reminded me I’m doing a great job. I humbly accepted the raise (1 nickel and 1 penny) as they are now permanent fixtures on my desk. I also made sure to contact his mommy to let her know what her sweet son had given me. The student's mother said her child woke up that morning and told his mom he wanted to give Mrs. Hernandez a special gift today. The special gift was more than just a raise, it is the reminder of the opportunity I have and joy I receive by coming to work every day and seeing these precious faces. I am thrilled to know I’m doing a “great job” knowing the “job is great!"

Thank you,

Suzan Hernandez

Assistant Secretary, Washington School

Once Upon a Mattress!

Hello Everyone!

I'm Emily Broderick, the choir teacher for Reagan Elementary and Rafer Johnson Jr. High and also the proud director of "Once Upon a Mattress!" The Musical... the TRUE story of the princess and the pea!

I wanted to formally invite all our KESD employees, students and families to our show THIS WEEKEND! This is Rafer Johnson Jr. High's first big musical production in 5 years! All the information is below and I hope you can all make it out to one of the nights! This group of Rafer kiddos have been working their tails off since September and they would love for you to come and see the finished product! You might even recognize a few names on the cast list of some of your former or current students.

Friday, January 17th is our "RAFER NIGHT!" We are offering a $2.00 ticket for any and all KESD employees, students and families/friends!This is less than the price of a movie! Please take advantage of this great opportunity and lets pack the house! This show is great for all ages so bring the whole family!

Also, look for us on the front page of the Kingsburg Recorder TODAY (Wed 1/15)

See you at the show!

Emily Broderick

Friday, January 10, 2014

Washington Elementary School - January 2014

Spell-a-Thon by Washington Parent Club

The Washington Elementary School Parent Club is hosting the Spell-a-Thon fundraiser. It takes place January 16th in each classroom and the awards assembly is January 31.  

Santa Lucia Parade  

Students had a nice time participating in the Santa Lucia Parade where they rang bells and sang Christmas songs while riding down Draper Street.  The float looked great!  

                         Christmas Programs

We had wonderful Christmas programs!  Thank you to the children for singing.  Thank you to the teachers for teaching our students the songs and poems.  Thank you to the custodial staff who quickly prepared the cafeteria for visitors of the performances.

Dates to Remember

DIBELS Benchmark Testing Week   January 13
Spell-a-Thon Test                             January 16
School Site Council/ELAC                January 16
Martin Luther King Day                    January 20
Spell-a-Thon Awards Assembly       January 30

Central Valley Home School - January 2014

2014 Spring Enrichment Classes

Every Wednesday beginning February 5, 2014 through Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Locations:  Central Valley Home School (K-1) and 
Roosevelt Elementary (2-8)

January 2014

7            Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
10          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
               Read/Write/Speak Gr. 2-4
14          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8

15          Common Core Parent Information Meeting by Tulare County Office of Education
17          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
               Read/Write/Speak Gr. 2-4

20          Holiday, MLK, Jr.

21          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
24          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
               Read/Write/Speak Gr. 2-4
28          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
31          Math Classes, Gr. 5,6,7,8
               Read/Write/Speak Gr. 2-4

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School - January 2014

Once Upon A Mattress Musical!!

Our talented Rafer Johnson cast of the musical, “Once Upon A Mattress” has been working hard preparing an amazing show for months.  Please join us in attending one of their performances.  All performances will take place at Reagan Elementary School in their cafeteria. 

January 16that 7:00pm
January 17th at 7:00pm
January 18th at 6:00 pm *This will be a dessert show
January 19th at 2:00 pm 

Tickets are on sell in the Rafer office.  Call for ticket information 897-1091.  Don’t wait!

Jan. Important dates:

Jan. 17th– Scott Bacovich - Assembly and leadership training
Jan. 16th-19th– Once Upon A Mattress Musical @ Reagan
Jan. 20th– MLK day - No school
Jan. 24th– Report Cards sent home
Jan. 31st– Honor Roll Reward trip to the movies

Roosevelt Elementary School - January 2014

It is time to get ready for the …

Roosevelt READ-A-THON!

The Read-A-Thon is our only school sponsored fundraiser for the year!   All money raised will be used for purchasing items for students such as technology, curriculum, playground equipment, etc.  In order to make this a successful event, we need help from you.  We are asking for any donations that can be used for the student prize drawing!  We will take any NEW items that you feel a first grade child would like.  Some ideas are toys, footballs, soccer balls, books, coloring books with crayons, etc.  They even love gift certificates to ice cream or fast food restaurants around town.  No item is too small as we have grouped things together in the past to make a nice prize!  We will take anything you would like to donate and will accept them beginning now and up to the day of the Read-A-Thon. We look forward to this event and will keep you informed as we move closer to the February/March big day.J

Parent Club~
See’s Candy Fundraiser Results!

On behalf of the students and staff of Roosevelt, thank you to our families for their efforts in selling See’s Candy and raising funds that will be used for all of our students!  As a school we challenged ourselves to raise $2000.00.  We managed to bring in $2,200.00!!  Way to go Roughriders! J

Character Trait of the Month:
January - Fairness

We have been seeing students displaying good character at Roosevelt!  We have been honoring their efforts as students have been receiving “Caught with Character” tickets and have been entered in weekly drawings!  Once a name is drawn, the students are able to come to the office and select a special prize from the parent club sponsored treasure box!  It is such a joy to see the excitement in our students as they proudly share the Character trait they displayed in order to receive a ticketJ
Way to go Students!!

Pennies for Patients-

Roosevelt School is currently fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society starting Monday, January 13th until January 31st.  The change donated will support cancer research.  Please send in your spare change for a good cause!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Reagan Elementary School - January 2014

Thank you!!!!

The Santa Lucia Parade was a fun-filled evening, as Reagan was well  represented.  The float could not have been possible without the help of Miss Sutton, Mrs. East, Mrs. Raven, the Emmersen family, the Byrum family, the Lane Family and the students who donated their time to be on the float with us.  Thank you all very much!!

 Happy New Year!!!

Every new year brings about the opportunity for new beginnings and fresh starts.  Here at Reagan we will continue to get ready for this year’s Smarter Balance exam that all students will be taking in April/May.    Teachers and Administrators alike will continue to receive training in an effort to ensure students receive a high quality education. 

Drama Club

Kerry Pickrell and the Reagan Drama Club will begin practicing for their April performances of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Jr.  Good luck and have fun to all involved.


After 30 years of service to the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District, Lupe Cruz has been honored as “Classified Employee of the Year.“  Her hard work and numerous contributions to the children of Kingsburg warrant this honor.  Great job, Lupe!!!  We are proud of you.

Upcoming Dates:
· Jan. 7— Bulldog Beat at Reagan
· Jan. 13— SSC Meeting
· Jan. 13— ELAC Meeting
· Jan. 14— PTO Meeting
· Jan. 20— MLK Jr. Day— No School
· Jan. 24— Basketball vs. Eric White
· Jan. 31— Basketball vs.Roosevelt

Employees of the Year

It is with great honor that I announce the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District’s employees of the year:

Educator of the Year:  Barbara McPherson
Employee of the Year:  Lupe Cruz
Administrator of the Year:  Bobby Rodriguez

We appreciate the hard work and dedication of Barbara, Lupe, and Bobby.  If you have a chance to see them, please congratulate them. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School Video for Students

Laura North and her amazing Rafer Johnson Jr. High School staff made a video message for their students.  Check out the video at: