Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Welcome to New Governing Board Members

Welcome to New Governing Board Members

Welcome to the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District's new Governing Board members, Russell Osato, and Karyll Smith Quinn.  Dr. Sever administered the oath of office during the December 8, 2014 Board meeting.  


Friday, December 5, 2014

The Turkey Trot - Reagan Elementary School

The Turkey Trot

On Wednesday, November 19 and Thursday, November 20 (makeups) our Mustangs took part in the “Reagan Turkey Trot."  Students ran, jogged, skipped, and/or walked around a 300-yard track for 30 minutes.  Students and our parent volunteers had a great time as even some of our Reagan teachers ran with our students for extra motivation.  This next week we will have turn-in days on Monday, December 1, Wednesday, December 3, Thursday, December 4, and Friday, December 5.  Students who turn in their pledge money on any of these days are eligible to win extra prizes.  We would like to thank all of our parent volunteers and teachers for their hard work as this even could not have occurred without all of your help.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Retired Board Members

Retired Board Members

At the November 18, 2014, Board meeting, Wesley Sever recognized Larry Lungren for 32 years of service on the Governing Board, and Frank Warren, Jr., for 12 years of service on the Governing Board.  He thanked them for their commitment to students, staff, and to the community of Kingsburg.  Wes remarked that it has been a pleasure serving with them. 

Rev. Ezaki said Frank Warren, Jr., and Larry Lungren have set an example of service to our kids and to the entire community.  They never want the spotlight.  They are awesome role models to our students. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Central Valley Home School - December 2014

See's Candy Fundraiser

Another successful fundraiser for CVHS is in the books.  Thank you for all your support.  Our sales earned a profit of $2308 for the ASB.  CVHS will use these funds directly for students.  Common purchases from ASB funds include snacks for enrichment, materials and supplies for craft day, assemblies, parties, ajd school spirit gear.  Each of the participating students did a fantastic job. Connor Graham, a 5th grade student, was the top seller with over $900 in candy sold.  He chose a bike for his prize.  What is amazing about his choice is that the bike is not for him. Connor donated the bike to the Salvation Army tree so it could benefit others.  Good job, Connor!

December Events

December 5 - See's Candy Arrives

December 6 - Santa Lucia Celebration/Parade

December 18, 19 - Minimum Days

December 19 - Breakfast before break, craft day

Lincoln Elementary School - December 2014

Students Participate on the Santa Lucia Float

Students and parents are excited about our float, "Christmas in Paradise," which will be in the Santa Lucia festival on December 6.  Our students will wear grass skirts or Hawaiian shirts and sing "Mele Kalikimaka," the Hawaiian holiday song.  Come out and see the parade, starting at 5:30.

The Robin Peterson Library

The library was recently renamed the Robin Peterson Library after the former principal who was a dynamic presence in our schools, even after his retirement.  His great-granddaughter, Brennan, a Lincoln student, accepted a plaque to be placed in the library, along with Robin Peterson's photo, at the November assembly.

Keep Reading!

Lincoln students who met their AR goals for the first tri-mester were rewarded with a movie assembly.  At the end of the year, Lincoln has a reward for the "Million Word Readers," those students who have read a million or more words throughout the school year.  Lincoln has had as many as twelve students and as little as one a year, so it is quite a challenge!  Here are the top ten readers so far this year.  How many Million Word Readers will Lincoln have this year?

Camille Zavala, Lucille Nowland, Paige Wedehase, Rachelle Ureno, Ilianna Rosales, Addison Murguia, Nicolas Soto, Boston Robinson, Tobin Moshier, and Alexis Summers.

Reagan Elementary School - December 2014

Our Fall Sports Season of Flag Football and Volleyball concluded on Friday, November 21.   On Friday, November 7 we sent the team coached by Mrs. Raven and Mr. Pickrell to the S.E.A.L. (Selma Elementary Athletic League) tournament and our student athletes won all of their matches to bring a Championship to Reagan. 

On a cold Friday morning, Coach East and members of his Flag Football team traveled to Selma to participate in the S.E.A.L. Flag Football tournament.  His group played hard all day and brought home a 3rd place trophy.  Great job to all of our Volleyball and Flag Football teams as they represented Reagan in the best possible way, exhibiting great sportsmanship and effort in all of their games.  A big thank you to all of our parents and coaches for helping our students understand the importance of playing as a team.


Ronald W. Reagan Elementary

December 2014

Upcoming Dates:

·   Dec 1—Turkey Trot turn-in    Day 1
·   Dec 2—After School Intervention begins
·   Dec 3—Turkey Trot turn-in   Day 2
·   Dec 4—Turkey Trot turn-in   Day 3
·   Dec 4—SOM Luncheon
·   Dec 4—Band Concert M/Th 1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 5—Turkey Trot turn-in    Day 4
·   Dec 5—Band Concert T/Fr        1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 6—Santa Lucia Parade
·   Dec 8—12—Santa’s Shop at Reagan all week
·   Dec 8—Choir Concert M/Th   1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 9—Choir Concert T/Fr     1:30 p.m. /2:30 p.m.
·   Dec 11-12—PR Reward to Selma Cinema
·   Dec 12—Turkey Trot Prize Assembly
·   Dec 18-19—Minimum Days
·   Dec 22-Jan 2—Winter Break

The Turkey Trot

On Wednesday, November 19 and Thursday, November 20 (makeups) our Mustangs took part in the “Reagan Turkey Trot”.  Students ran, jogged, skipped, and/or walked around a 300 yard track for 30 minutes.  Students and our parent volunteers had a great time as even some of our Reagan teachers ran with our students for extra motivation.  This next week we will have turn-in days on Monday, December 1, Wednesday, December 3, Thursday, December 4, and Friday, December 5.  Students who turn in their pledge money on any of these days are eligible to win extra prizes.  We would like to thank all of our parent volunteers and teachers for their hard work as this even could not have occurred without all of your help. 

Santa’s Shop is HereOn December 8-12, Santa’s Shop will be here at Reagan.  This is a great way for our students to shop for family members and friends.  

Santa Lucia Parade

On Saturday, December 6, Reagan will participate in the Santa Lucia Parade.  Come on out and support our school during this wonderful event.  If you do attend, please consider buying a ticket for the Eat for East fundraiser for former Reagan teacher Heidi East.  For ticket information, please contact Mrs. Jennings at Central Valley Home School.

Washington Elementary School - December 2014

Happy Holidays! The Washington Staff wish you and your families a wonderful Holiday season.  We will be on minimum day schedule December 18 &19 (8:15 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.).  The 2014 Winter Break is December 22, 2014, to January 2, 2015.  School will resume on January 5, 2015. 

Santa & Mrs. Claus will visit our school on December 19.  Island Photography will take pictures of each student with Santa.  This is Polar Express Day; students may wear pajamas to school.

The Christmas with Dignity program, sponsored by KCAPS, began November 3.  A gift donation box has been placed in each classroom and toy or canned food donations can be made until December 5.  KCAPS is collecting new unwrapped toys for children between the ages of 5-13.  

Christmas Programs:

Please come and enjoy the student’s Christmas performances which will be held in the cafeteria, as follows:

December 9, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Mrs. Knott’s class
     Mrs. Lee’s class
     Mrs. Moore’s class

December 11, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Mrs. Ribeiro’s class
     Mrs. Spitzer’s class
     Mrs. Donabedian’s class

December 12, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     Miss Loyd’s class
     Mrs. Regier’s class
     Mrs. Bergstrom’s class
     Mrs. Goodbar’s class

December 11, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
     Washington Preschool

December 15, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
     VDA State Preschool

A Note from Wes

Last month, a principal shared this article with me from the Washington Post last month.  Like her, I thought this was a great reminder of what we do, especially this time of year when times and people around us can be stressful.

Here is the link to the article:


Roosevelt Elementary School - November & December 2014

A Note from Mrs. Willson

The past few weeks have been busy for our Roughrider families!! Thank you to all families for your attendance at Parent/Teacher conferences, Grandparents Day and Danish with Dad.  All of these activities were a huge success and a great deal of fun for all who were able to join us!

On behalf of the Roosevelt Staff, I would like to recognize the Roosevelt Parent Club for their hard work and effort in making sure our activities have gone off without a hitch.  From donation organization to arriving early for Danish with Dad, we appreciate the Parent Club's efforts and look forward to working together on future events that support our Roughrider student body!! 

Veterans Day

One tradition at Roosevelt is to honor our Veterans.  On Friday, November 7th at 1:00 p.m., we will be honoring our men and women, who have served, and who are serving in our armed forces.  We are inviting all Veterans and service personnel 

to join us for our program and refreshments.

Dates to Remember:
11/6                Site Council Meeting (2:30 pm)
11/7                Veteran’s Day Assembly (1:00 pm)
11/ 10-11        No School – Local Holiday & Veterans Day
11/14              End of First Trimester
11/1                See’s candy flyers home
11/21             Report cards home
11/24-28         No School – Thanksgiving Week
12/1                See’s Candy money/orders due
12/2-3             Santa’s Secret Shop
12/15(week of) See’s candy pick-up
12/ 16-19        Winter Programs
12/18, 19        Minimum Days
12/22-1/2        Winter Break

Character Trait of the Month~
Kupa (derived from the Hawaiian for “citizen”) is the BEAR who considers herself a citizen of the world. A philosopher and poet, she believes that we are all part of the same family and must do our share to help each other.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Rafer Johnson, Olympic Torchbearer, Honored by Smithsonian

Rafer Johnson was recently informed by the Smithsonian that he is only one of two African American Olympic torchbearers who lit the torch (Muhammad Ali was the other person).  They are honoring him with an exhibit which will include, as Rafer called it, a picture of “his school with his students.”  

Congratulations, Rafer!  

Larry L. Hillblom Foundation Grant to Central Valley Home School

Congratulations to Misti Jennings and the CVHS staff!  They recently received a grant in the amount of $2,632 to assist in implementing a new program of Lego Robotics and Competition to develop essential skills in science, technology, engineering and math, addressing STEM program profiles.

Thank you for all your hard work!

Larry L. Hillblom Foundation Grant to District/Music Boosters

Congratulations to the District/Elementary School Music Boosters. They recently received a grant from the Larry Hillblom Foundation in the amount of $40,823 to help modernize the music departments by purchasing musical instruments and band equipment.

Thanks for all the hard work!


Visitor to Washington Elementary School

You never know who will walk in through your school doors.  On November 9, 2014, at 8:15 a.m., a gentleman stopped by the Washington Office to see if he could get a tour of the school.  He understood this might not be possible with students in class.  Over the years, he had always thought, when he was traveling from L.A. through the valley, that he would like to stop and visit the school that started him on a successful path.  

He is currently a founder and CEO of a successful business and has family partnership with the RAMS.  When asked further questions, he revealed that he had gone to kindergarten at Washington School in 1978 as an English Language Learner.  He didn't remember the name of his classroom teacher but remembered being in Room 7 for ELD.  His ELD teacher was Mrs. Hernandez!  Mrs. Hernandez made a difference in this man's life.

--by Shirley Esau

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Washington Elementary School - November 2014

Great American COOKIE Dough Fundraiser

Thank you for your help with this fundraiser. It helps fund our assemblies and field trips. Our top sellers were: Augustine Alonzo, Audrina Herrera, Izaiah Moreno, Kai Cano and Manuel Perez, Jr. They got to go in the “Money Machine” and grab dollar bills. They received anywhere from $19 to $39! Way to go Patriots!

Fall Flowers

Mrs. Bergstrom’s class and Miss Melanie planted flowers to beautify the front of the school. The flowers were purchased from Rafer Johnson Jr. High AVID class.Kindergarten children helped Jr. High students raise funds to visit colleges! Thank you, Miss Melanie, for making our grounds look beautiful! 

Danish with Dad

Danish with Dad was a great success! Thank you, Parent Club, for helping serve our Dads! Island Photography made every effort to donate their services at this event, but due to scheduling conflicts, they were unable to provide a photographer.  


In October, the TK classes went to the Fresno Zoo and the Kindergarten classes went to Hillcrest Farms Pumpkin Patch!  These trips help Patriots learn about their world.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reagan Elementary School - October 2014

On Tuesday, September 30, Big James Henderson, Guinness Book World Record Holder, 5 Time World Champion, and 5 Time National Champion, visited Reagan in order to share with our students the powerful message of making smart, positive choices. 

Students were entertained with Big James’ powerful message and his feats of strength as he rolled up a frying pan into a burrito with his hands.  The Power of Choice  allowed Big James to avoid negative peer influences in his life to become a real life champion as he holds the record for the heaviest bench press at 711 pounds.  We would like to thank the Champions For Today organization for providing such a great speaker for our students.

Magazine Sales

We would like to thank all of our parents/guardians and friends of our Reagan students for participating in our Magazine Fundraiser.  Students brought in over $49,000 in sales.  Once Great American Publishing processes all of our orders they will take their percentage of the sales (60%), and then we will be able to announce the total amount of money that we will receive.  A big thank you goes out to all of our parent volunteers who helped count money for our turn-in days.  For students who qualified, the VIP Recess will be held on October 8, the money machine will also be on October 8, and the Limo Lunch will take place on Monday, October 6.  Thank you for your continued support of our students. 

October 2014

Upcoming Dates:

Oct 27-31—Red Ribbon Week

Oct 29—Band March-A-Thon

Oct 31—Halloween

Washington Elementary School - October 2014

Character Counts Assembly

The teachers performed in a “Character Counts” assembly where the students learned to be Trustworthy, Respectful, Responsible and Caring. Thank you to Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Spitzer, Mrs. Lee, Miss Loyd, Mrs. Regier, and Mrs. Lee for teaching us about Character Counts!

Grandparent Day
We had over 400 grandparents enjoy a morning with their 
grandchildren. The students were so excited to show grandparents where they go to school.  We want to thank the KESD Food Service Department for the cinnamon rolls, fruit, coffee and milk! We want to thank Mr. Sam for setting up the tables, cutting bananas and cleaning up after we were done! 

Discover English for Adults

Free classes to learn beginning/intermediate English will be 

held at the First Baptist Church, located at 1615 Draper 

Street, October 20 - December 17, 2014, at 6:15 p.m. 

Childcare is provided. 

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Thank you for helping with the Cookie Dough Fundraiser. It was a great success! This helps pay for field trips and assemblies. Cookie dough will be in by the third week of October. We will notify parents ahead of time on the exact date, so they can pick up the cookie dough. We will need parent volunteers to help sort the cookie dough and get it to the classrooms. 

Roosevelt Elementary School - October 2014

Grandparents Days

Our days to celebrate our grandparents are October 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th.  Our programs will start at 10:30 a.m., and end with lunch at 11:20 a.m.  Our release time for these days is 12:00 p.m.  Island Photography will be available to take photos of grandparents and their grandchild for a small fee should you choose to purchase one.

Character Education Day
We will be celebrating our character education program on Friday, October 31st.  Students will wear their class t-shirts for the big event!

Danish with Dad
On October 10th, Roosevelt students had a chance to have a special time with their dad, grandpa or another adult that is important in their development.  This special time was around the breaking of bread together, in this case, cinnamon rolls.  This special morning celebrated that special relationship people share with their child. 

Central Valley Home School - October 2014


   Mid-Valley Disposal 
   Presents -  
         A Recycling Assembly @ CVHS

    Who: Students in grades K - 3

    When: Wednesday, Nov. 19th – 10:00 AM

    Why: Students will learn about the recycling
    process through interactive games, a simulated 
    landfill, and a fun presentation.

Sci Fri Fridays Are Back at CVHS
Reedley College STEM Students (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
will host two hands-on science events.  These events are for students in grades 4-8.  Two dates are available.  Students can sign up for one or both!

·        Friday, October 17th from 1:00 – 3:00
·        Friday, November 7th from 1:00 – 3:00


17        Sci-Fri Friday, 1-3:00, Gr. 4-8
            FALL PICTURES – 11-1:30
(If you missed pictures 9/24)
31        See’s Candy Sales End


5          ENRICHMENT CLASSES, Day 8
            See’s Candy Arrives @ CVHS
7          Sci-Fri Friday, 1-3:00, Gr. 4-8
10-11  Veterans’ Day Holidays
19        Recycle Assembly, K-3, 10:00
24-28  Thanksgiving Holidays

Ongoing Classes:
Math – Gr.  5-8, Tuesdays and Fridays
Read/Write/Speak – Gr. 2-4, Fridays

Lincoln Elementary School - October 2014

What is NED?

Lincoln kicked off the year with a great assembly featuring Nate and his yo-yo playing Friend, NED, which stands for:

Never Give Up
Encourage Others
Do Your Best

It was a very entertaining assembly, but the best part was how many students remembered the message of the assembly, and how many students could tell weeks later what NED stood for.  The assembly came with supporting lessons and ideas for classroom use.

Red Ribbon Week - October 27-13, 2014

Red Ribbon Week celebrates making good choices and avoiding things that are bad for us, such as tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Lincoln will have a different event each day of the week!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Central Valley Home School - September 2014

Field Trips

The Big Fresno Fair - Big Times are Back!

Students will be visiting the Big Fresno Fair on Thursday, October 2.  Students will have the opportunity to see the exhibits in the fairground buildings, including:  Ag Ventureland, Fine Arts & Photography, Floriculture, Home Arts, Gem & Minerals, Junior Exhibits, Agriculture, and Kids Town.

Androcles and the Lion

On October 28, students will see a performance of Androcles and the Lion, performed by the California Theatre Center at the Tower Theatre.

William Saroyan Writing Contest

Congratulations to Lilly Llanos for writing a winning story in the 2014 William Saroyan Writing Contest!  Lilly attend the awards ceremony in Fresno with her parents and Mrs. Den Hartog.  Lilly's essay, "Learning to Dive," was written in response to the writing topic - A Life Changing Event.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School - September 2014


Rafer has made huge strides in PBIS, Positive Behavior Intervention Support.  We have seen a dramatic drop in behavior issues last year.  

August Winners

7th Grade Girls
Behavior - Anika Protzman
Attendance - Isis Gonzalez

7th Grade Boys
Behavior - Jacob Gasca
Attendance - Houston Sasselli

8th Grade Girls
Behavior - Shareen Purewal
Attendance - Molly Beck

8th Grade Boys
Behavior - Diego Ramirez
Attendance - Rhyan Rush

September/October 2014 Activities

September 10 - Volleyball and football games vs. Citrus at Rafer, 3:30 p.m.

September 12 - Popcornopolis Fundraiser begins - Please look for fliers and help support the student activities at Rafer.

AVID Flower Sales, end of September/First week of October

October 18 - Pick up AVID flowers in gym

Friday, September 5, 2014

Lincoln Elementary School - September 2014

Fundraising Opportunities

Lincoln will continue to have the Jog-a-thon in February.  The fundraiser promotes physical fitness. More information will be available as we get closer to February.

Throughout the year, Lincoln participates in the General Mills Box Tops for Education Program. Please cut them out and them to school.

Lincoln also participates in the Shares program, available at Save Mart and Food Maxx.  Each time you shop, slide the Shares card at the cash register, and 3% of the money you spend goes to to the school. Let the school know if you would like a Shares card.

Dates to Remember

September 10 - First Flex Day
September 11 - Title I Parent Night, 6:30 p.m., Lincoln Cafeteria
September 25 - Parent Club Meeting, 8:30 a.m., Lincoln Office

Roosevelt Elementary School - September 2014

The start of the school year has been very smooth, and students are very happy at their new school and in their new classrooms.  Students are learning from their teachers and sharing their knowledge with classmates!

Title I Parent Information Night

All parents are invited to our annual Title I parent information night on Wednesday, September 10th beginning at 6:30 in the auditorium. This evening is designed to inform all families of the academic focus for students at Roosevelt School.  In addition, several staff members will provide mini workshops to demonstrate ways in which you can help your student be a successful first grader. We look forward to seeing many of you at this event.  It is a night of fun complete with take home activities!

Book Fair

Books for school and books for home; it is time for the Roosevelt book fair.   Our book fair will take place from September 22nd through September 26th.  There will be a family night on Tuesday, September 23rd from 5:30-7:00 in the library, room 33.    We are looking for a few parents to help with either the book fair or picture day during the week of September 22nd.  If you are available to help and could lend us some of your time, please call our office at 897-5193. 

Reagan Elementary School - September 2014

Magazine Sales

After taking a year off, on August 25th, Ronald Reagan Elementary students began selling magazines for its first fundraiser.  The fundraiser will run until September 9, so if you would like to order or renew a magazine, please  consider ordering from a Ronald Reagan student.  Magazine turn-in day will be Tuesday, September 9. 

If you would like to purchase magazines online, please go to: http://gaschoolstore.com/Login  - and the login school ID for Reagan is: 3795929 .  We thank you for your continuing support of what we are  accomplishing at Reagan.

Upcoming Dates

Sept 9—Last Magazine Turn-in
Sept 10—Wednesday Flex Days Begin
Sept 15—Back to Band Carnival at Memorial Park
Sept 25—Reagan’s Title 1 Night 6pm
Sept 30—Champions for Today Assembly

Get Acquainted Night

Reagan held its annual Get Acquainted Night on Thursday, August 21st from 6pm—7pm.  It was great seeing our families attend this important event.  

Back to Band Celebration

Band will be having a “Back to Band” celebration at Memorial Park on Monday, September 15th from 6pm-7pm.  All are welcome to attend this event in which you will be able to eat ice cream and socialize with band members from Reagan, Rafer, and KHS.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Every Child a Masterpiece!

Children become masterpieces through our hard work!

Children become masterpieces when we believe in them!

Children become masterpieces through our expectations!

Hard work, believing in children and having high expectations is appreciated by ALL!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thank You from Shirley Esau

Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District is truly a family. We care for and take care of each other. I want to thank everyone, including our school board members, who sent cards to cheer me up, gift cards for meals, visits, meals, donated sick leave when I fell short, and brought flowers to brighten my days, while I have been recovering from neck surgery. Thank you to all of you for your wonderful support.

I want to thank the Washington staff for stepping up while I, the principal, have been gone. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Spitzer have shown great leadership in my absence, taking care of discipline and a million other deals including staff meetings.  I don’t know what I would have done without these ladies. Mrs. Schofield has kept things running smoothly and made sure our parents’ and teachers’ needs were met. There are too many things that Mrs. Schofield has done to list in this short note.  All the teachers have truly stepped up to the plate and made sure the students were getting the best education and character building.

The Parent Club at Washington School has done an amazing job of fundraising and providing great events for parents and children.  They did Muffins for Moms, Jomba Juice at Open House, Staff Appreciation Day luncheon, and made sure teachers received the items ordered for their classrooms provided from all the fundraising. Amazing Parent Club! They also made sure I had something fun to do while recovering by providing a book of Brain puzzles and other items in a gift basket. Thank you!

Dr. Sever and Mrs. Sembritzki have stopped by the school to give teachers support and have checked in with me to make sure I am doing well in recovery. For Open House, Mrs. Sembritzki went in my place so parents were able to have an administrator they could speak to in person. Matt Stovall has stepped in to do discipline when it required an administrator.  This is wonderful support.

What is truly amazing about this support is that this is my fourth neck surgery and each time regardless of my position, teacher, special projects, or principal, people in the Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District have supported me. This does not happen in all districts. I have worked in private and public school districts over my career and I can tell you that there is no district as wonderful as Kingsburg Elementary Charter School District. Thank you for the years of support and encouragement!


Shirley Esau

Monday, April 28, 2014

Administrative Professionals Day Celebration - Rafer Johnson Jr. High School

As part of the Administrative Professionals Day celebration at Rafer Johnson Jr. High School, classes came in every hour to the secretaries' offices and did something special.  Three of the classes wrote and sang songs.  This is the video of the boys' choir.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Note from a Soldier! Story #7: Be the Turning Point...in Someone's Life

An endearing mother came into the Washington Elementary School office this afternoon to share an experience she had over the weekend.

Every Friday, students of Washington School wear their red Washington Patriot Spirit shirt. A student happened to be wearing her red Washington Patriot shirt as she and her family visited a local restaurant for dinner last Friday evening. While enjoying a pleasant dinner, a man graciously walked over to their table and placed a 5 dollar bill down, including the note below.

The mother felt compelled to share the moment with the staff at Washington school to remind us of the mutual appreciation that exists among members of our community,society and the fervent patriotism of our wonderful country.

The portion of the note that I found to be most vivid is the idea of the sacrifices made for "the next generation."  I believe everything we strive for in our district and within the walls of Washington school is to endeavour to benefit the lives of precious students and families we have the pleasure of serving.   

Thank you.

Heather Schofield

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reagan Elementary School - April 2014

Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

For months, the Reagan Drama Club, under the guidance of Kerry Pickrell, has been working extremely hard in preparation for Opening Night, Thursday, April 3.  

Show times at 6:30 pm on the following dates:
Thursday, April 3
Friday, April 4
Sunday, April 6

Dinner Show:  Saturday, April 5, 6:30 pm - Reservations Required

Dessert Show:  Sunday, April 6 - 2:30 pm - Reservations Required

Tickets for the Dinner and Dessert shows can be purchased in the Reagan Office.

Pastries with Parents

On Friday, April 4, Reagan's PTO will be holding its first annual "Pastries with Parents" event.  Island Photography will be on hand to take pictures.  A big thanks to Reagan's PTO.

Rachel's Challenge

On March 21st, 5th and 6th grade students traveled to Rafer Johnson Jr. High to take part in Rachel's Challenge.  This emotional assembly provided our students with an important message regarding treating each other with respect.  Thank you to Mrs. North and Mr. Jimenez for inviting the 5th and 6th grade students to this event.  For more information regarding Rachel's Challenge, you can go to:


Track season has begun as the Reagan Mustang student athletes have been getting ready for the track meet season by practicing at Kingsburg High School three days a week. Coaches Hurtado and LInder are doing a great job in making sure our students are ready to complete against the thousands of other students from around Fresno County. The Jr. track meet will be held in Selma on April 12 and the Bantam and Midget track meet will be held in Reedley on April 26.

Special Olympics Winter Games

Three Kingsburg athletes were selected to compete in the Fresno County Special Olympics Winter Games held February 23 - 25. Kyle Johnson (Lincoln Elementary School) and Alyssa Duarte (Rafer Johnson Jr. High School) competed along with 61 athletes from Fresno County in Alpine and Nordic Events.  (Dezi Yacconi from Reagan Elementary was unable to attend this year.)  

Kyle and Alyssa received gold and silver medals for their respective cross-country races in the 50m, 100m, 200m, and 500m. events. Also attending was Carla Duarte (Rafer) as a Unified Partner with Special Olympics Northern California.  This certification allowed her to compete with her sister, Alyssa, in the Family Cup - a race which pairs a Special Olympic athlete with a family member.  Carla also assisted with athletes on and off the hill.
The athletes, coaches and volunteers stay in Shaver Lake during the 3-day competition at China Peak.  The community plans for and fund raises for the event all year.  China Peak donates Alpine equipment and lift tickets. Herb Bauer's donated the Nordic equipment and East Fresno Kiwanis put together sack lunches to be used on the hill during the competition.  It takes a lot of volunteers and time to put on this event but it is well worth it. 

Coach Peggy Cuadros said, "It was exciting to see these athletes compete to the best of their ability on less than ideal snow conditions this year. But far more important than a competition, it is training for life."