Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How Can You Make Ice Cream Taste Even Better - Story #2: Be the Turning Point.........In Someone's Life

How Can You Make Ice Cream Taste Even Better - Story #2: Be the Turning Point.........In Someone's Life

The Kingsburg High School Jazz Choir came to perform at our Christmas Sing-a-long at Lincoln.  My daughter, Delanie, is in the Jazz Choir and as they were performing I teared up a little (well, a lot on one song) because the music was so beautiful, I was so proud, and the song was meaningful.  

Some of my students noticed that I had teared up and asked if I was okay when we got back to class.  I told them that I had cried because I was proud of my daughter and her friends and the one song made me a little sad because she will be heading off to college in another year (and I am realizing that time is flying!).

The next day, one of my students, Jonah, came up to me and handed me four quarters.  I asked him if he wanted me to hold onto the money for him. (You see, it was ice cream day!)  Jonah said no.  He said, “The money is for you, Mrs. Dignan."  I asked him why he was giving me money.  He told me that he wanted to cheer me up because I had been sad about my daughter.  He wanted to buy me an ice cream because that always cheers him up. I couldn't believe how incredibly sweet it was, and I teared up again. I told him thank you and we took a picture of me with my ice cream for his mom. It was the best ice cream I have ever had!

Beth Dignan, thanks for sharing!!!!

Honor Band/Honor Orchestra Students

We have three outstanding music students who auditioned for the Fresno-Madera County Music Educators Association (FMCMEA) Honor groups last weekend.

Alyssa Santivanez, 8th grader, earned 2nd chair flute in the Honor Orchestra. This means she was the 2nd best out of all flutists.

Katie Sorensen, 8th grader, earned 1st chair flute in the Honor Band. This means she was the 4th best out of all the flutists.

Brianna Linder, 6th grader, earned 1st chair trumpet in the Honor Orchestra. She scored highest out of all trumpets.

Flutes and trumpets are very large groups. This is very impressive for our 3 students!!

They will perform on January 18th at 3pm at the Clovis North performing arts center.

Congratulations to these talented students!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Central Valley Home School - December 2013


Thank you to CVHS Families!  We raised $189 from Save-Mart SHARES cards and made a $2,414.83 profit from See's Candy sales.


CVHS students and parents will have a Craft Day/Soup Day on Friday, December 13, from 10-12:30 at Roosevelt Elementary School.  Rick Alonzo will do a presentation on bullying, there will be lots of crafts, all ending with a Soup & More Potluck.


STEM Ambassadors from Reedley College helped our students learn exciting things about Simple Electric Circuits.  Our students learned a lot and had a great time!

Washington Elementary School - December 2013

Santa Lucia Parade: Washington, Roosevelt and Central Valley Home School teamed up to have a joint float in the Santa Lucia Parade December 7th. The theme was Clifford’s Christmas. 

Parenting Classes:
Parenting Classes are offered in both English and Spanish at Washington School in room 22 from 6-8 pm. The following classes are open to all parents who would like to attend. The next classes and topics are as follows:
Dec. 3rd—Setting Boundaries
Dec. 10th—The Difference Between Discipline and Punishment.

Childcare is offered in the Washington Preschool.

Kindergarten Christmas Programs:
Children have been learning songs for their upcoming Christmas Program.  The Christmas programs will take place in the cafeteria. Students will sing songs and recite Christmas poems. Students enjoy singing on stage for their family and friends.

Christmas Programs are 12:30 to 1:30 daily for the following dates:
Dec. 11 – Rooms 3, 5, 14

Dec. 12 – Rms 2, 16, 18, 20 Dec. 13 – Rooms 1, 4, 6

KCAPS Toy Drive:
Washington School is teaming up with KCAPS with a toy drive for children and families in need. Toys will be collected on December 6th and December 12th. The classroom with the most toys collected will win a pizza party sponsored by KCAPS. 

Roosevelt Elementary School - December 2013

Santa Lucia Parade
The Santa Lucia parade took place on Saturday, December 7th.   Roosevelt participated with Washington and Central Valley Home School to create a District K-1 float!! 

December Dates to Remember

12/17, 18, 19  Winter Programs
12/18, 19        Minimum Days
12/20-1/3        Winter Break

Rafer Johnson Jr. High School - December 2013

Winter Olympics!

The Olympian Parent Club, Leadership, and CJSF worked hard on the float for this year’s Santa Lucia Parade. The theme was Winter Olympics. Stacey Scheidt, The Olympian Parent Club (OPC) Co-President organized the float this year.

We had a great turn out of parent and student help! We have a great team that works together to make RJJH shine! Thank you for all of you work and effort to help us be a great success in this year’s parade.

Parent University– Rafer Partners with CSUF

Parent University Comes to Rafer! We began a partnership with CSUF to bring parent University to RJJH. Fresno State provided us with a grant to hold a digital parent class.
The classes began on Thursday, December 5th. There will be 6 classes. The classes are taught in Spanish. The focus in the class is to teach parents computer and internet skills. We had 15 parents show up the first night! Classes are 2 1/2 hours long.

We are excited to offer this at Rafer. If this classes continues to be successful we will look at adding more classes in the Spring of 2014.

December Important Dates

Dec. 7th– Santa Lucia Parade 4:45
Dec. 9th- Rafer Band Concert @ KHS
Dec. 11th at 3:00 pm SSC
Dec. 13th Christmas Dance 6:00-8:00
Dec. 16th Fundraiser Limo reward trip

Important Choir Dates

Monday 12/16- Rafer/KHS Winter Concert 6pm & 7:45pm (2 showings) @ KHS
Rafer presents “Once Upon a Mattress” @ Reagan MPR Thursday 1/16 – 7pm
Friday 1/17 – 7pm
Saturday 1/18 – 6 pm “Dessert Show”
Sunday 1/19 – 2pm
Monday 3/10- Rafer/KHS Pre-festival Concert 7pm @ KHS Little Theatre
Tuesday 3/11- CMEA Choir Festival (boys)
Wednesday 3/12- CMEA Choir Festival (girls)
Thursday 4/3- San Luis Obispo (girls only) all day field trip (tentative)
Tuesday 5/27- Rafer/KHS End of the Year Concert 7pm @ KHS Little Theatre

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Reagan Elementary School - December 2013

As we approach the Christmas Break, the staff and teachers at Reagan will continue to focus on providing an excellent educational environment where the expectation and belief is that all students can and will be successful.  In addition, for students who earned the First Trimester Personal Responsibility Award, all three grade levels will be taking these students on their respective reward trips prior to Christmas Break.  


Reagan Elementary has recently established a Parent Teacher Organization.  The next meeting is Tuesday, December 10th, in the Reagan Library at 3:15.  This is a great way to get involved as a parent of a Reagan student and I encourage you to attend.  

Santa’s Shop Time!!!

Reagan Elementary is once again providing wonderful Christmas shopping opportunities for Kingsburg students.....each elementary site will have shopping days to purchase Christmas gifts for friends and family.  Santa’s Shop for Reagan students will have a preview day on Monday, December 9th, and shopping days will be the 10th – 13th.  What a wonderful way to start off the shopping season!!!!

Reagan Athletics Winter Season Is Quickly Approaching!

As we head into winter, Reagan Elementary will be starting up its Winter Athletic Season soon.  This season will offer basketball for both boys and girls.  Reagan will be participating in the Selma Athletic League as a full member and will have multiple opportunities for our student-athletes to demonstrate their court skills.  Tryouts for these teams should begin prior to Christmas Break.   

Upcoming Events:

·        Band Concert in MPR – December 5th (1:30 assembly and 2:30 for parents)
·        Band Concert in MPR – December 6th (1:30 assembly and 2:30 for parents)
·        Santa Lucia Parade – December 7th @ 5:30
·        Santa’s Shop @ Reagan – December 9th (Preview)
·        Reagan PTO meeting – December 10th @ 3:15 in Reagan Library
·        Santa’s Shop @ Reagan – December 10th – 13th (Shopping Days)
·        K-Kids – December 11th – 1:05 – 2:00 in Reagan MPR

Lincoln Elementary School - December 2013

Lincoln students are getting into the spirit of the season by sponsoring needy families in their classroom, as well as participating in many other in-class activities.  The KCAPS Canned Food Drive will run December 10-14.

Congratulations to all our students who got blue slips for showing examples of good character this first trimester!  Many students got to choose from the prize box.  Also, six students were chosen at random for a goodie bag at the end of the trimester.  Congratulations to the following students:

Joseph Corpus, Matthew Ward, Jessie Castenada, Ashley Garcia, Shea Morris, and Lily DeMaris.

Dates for December:

Dec. 2-6 Santa's Secret Shop
Dec. 7 Santa Lucia Parade @ 5:30
Dec. 9-13 KCAPS Canned Food Drive